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Friday, March 12, 2010

A Stronghold for You . . .

The picture above is my birthday rose from Jerry. Thank you, honey!

Psalm 119 is a glorious psalm. Matthew Henry's Commentary opens with this sentence in regard to the psalm: "The general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the Divine law, and make it honourable." If you are familiar with this psalm you know this to be true.

I was reading verses 161-168 this morning and my Liberty Bible Commentary had this to say: "The riches of God's word only come to those who have disciplined themselves to battle the enemies of time, apathy, and irregularity with regard to the reading of God's word. Anyone who gives himself to such a rewarding practice will be able to say with the psalmist, 'I hate and abhor lying. Not only hate lying, nor simply abhor it, but hate and abhor lying is the responsibility of one who loves the law of God."

This is indeed a stronghold to living for God. May you be strengthened this morning to stand tall in your faith and be encouraged that God's riches are within your reach.

The pictures below are from the Women's Retreat I attended last weekend at Camp Wo-Me-To. I was thrilled to see and hear my friend, Karla Dornacher, speak about "savoring the moment."

The picture below is my friend, Kathy Kreyling, and her friend Cathi, who cheered my heart with their presence as I ate not one, not two, but three "small" cups of frozen ice cream!


  1. Love the "savoring the moment" thought. I am savoring a few today myself...God showed me yesterday, again, "Kathy, I KNOW where you are. I have you in my sights. I love you and am caring for you."
    He is so wonderful.Who can describe all that HE is?

  2. I bet you savored the moment when you enjoyed your three small cups of ice let's talk about sharing :)


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