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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Wonder of Digital Photography

My baby leaves started opening Saturday morning, the 18th. On Sunday morning "half-inch baby leaves, perfectly shaped, stretched their little frames for all the earth to see." (See March 30th post, Baby Leaves)

The pictures above were created on Photoshop Elements using the Magic Extractor feature. Just Friday morning my sister-in-law, Bobbie, showed me how to use it to eliminate the background in a picture. I love the results! The top picture shows the leaves still wrapped together, loosening their hold, under the blossoms. The bottom picture are the baby leaves.

I started using Photoshop Elements two years ago and have finally reached a level of satisfaction. It took 8 months to get over the hump and understand how it works. What fun I have had since then!

I went digital about 3 years ago when my friend, Cindy, started me on a 2 megapixels camera. Within a year I went to 6 megapixels. On the computer you have an entire world of opportunities to work with your pictures.

At this time I make note cards and bookmarks from the pictures I take, and, of course, ones to put on my wall. I purchased an assortment of mats from a place called Redimat on the web. Although your minimum order is $100, you can choose any colors and sizes of mats you desire. I have a rainbow of colors to accompany my pictures.

Photography is a wonderful and fun hobby to spend time on. I highly recommend going digital!


  1. Very cool! I may have to invest in that program! And then you can come teach me :)
    So great Karla is coming next year to WMU. I will be sure to come again just to hear her!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. great information that you shared. I didn't know that you could select objects to remove in a photo, your gonna have to show me that little trick.

  3. Okay, okay the leaves look better this time. In fact they almost look (gasp!) professional. Now I'm turning green! Guess it's time to start putting away for a good graphics package so I can keep up. ;-)


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