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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Let's Hear It!

 Easter is God's miracle message of risen hope for every believing heart.

I love Magnolia trees! I had one in my back yard in Maryland. When we moved to PA we planted three Magnolia trees in our yard. I found out real quick that the weather in PA doesn't provide well for the Magnolia tree in April. I always get buds and opening flowers, but the cold returns to quickly and ends the beauty. So thankful to have pictures to enjoy of earlier years.

The wonder of it all. Perfect description of the week of Easter. A time of celebration, joy, hope and thankfulness. The wonder of it all!

The following post was shared in April 2013. I think it's time to read it again!

"When was the last time you heard a good, loud "amen" in church? I can't think of a time when anyone has shouted me down in holy agreement with the Word. We clap at the end of our songs and when someone shares a testimony, but when's the last time you heard someone clap after the reading of the Scripture or during the offering" Michael Catt, The Power of Surrender

A couple of months ago a couple visited are church and we were in for a pleasant surprise. He "amened ... that's right ... preach ..." us through the sermon. Pastor Larry and his wife, Felecia, joined with our fellowship a few weeks ago and my heart has been lifted with his boisterous agreement during the sermon.

At my home church, 30 years ago, there would occasionally be amens, but few of the other churches we've attended added this affirmation during the sermon. Fred Luter, pastor in New Orleans, was invited to a conference at my home church many years ago and WOW did I hear the excitement from the audience. 

Now, once again, a fellow worshipper holds nothing back as he agrees with God's message on Sunday mornings. Last week I even heard a few others verbally affirm words spoken by our pastor. You know, I think our pastor has even found new excitement as he preaches because of voiceful agreement in the congregation!

This is one of the largest and fullest Magnolia trees I have ever see. My friend, Roy, found this a few years ago, and I'm thankful he posted it on his Page.

Might I say there is great power in voicing our agreement in the preached Word! Will this quiet listener rise to the occasion. I don't know, but my heart sure does! The next time Pastor Larry stands up and claps I may just shout Amen!

Do I hear an Amen!

Because He lives, may you enjoy a praise-filled Easter,
a joy-filled spring, and a hope-filled heart!

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rest Easy

A friend put this graphic up on her Facebook page the other day, and I was drawn to it. Quotes have a way of doing that. That's why my journals are filled with quotes from saints of God all around the world that have caused me to stop and ponder.

Blanket of Hope. What a lovely thought. Always being covered by God's gift of Grace helps you through all things. 

Grace is such an inclusive word. God's grace touches every area of our life. No matter what the situation is, concern is, happiness is, the word Grace, God's Grace, transforms your mind bringing you hope.

I wrote these words back in March 2022 for my church's newsletter:

"We’ve all been given the gift of Grace. We have a choice. We can receive it, or we can deny it. The decision is up to us.

"God gives this gift freely because He loves us. Not because we’re entitled to it. Not because we are good. Not because we won it. He freely gives it. We just have to accept it.

"The gift of grace is a deep well. We know the simple definition: “God gives us what we don’t deserve.”  In reality He gives us so much more.  Grace affects everything we do as we live our life for Him.

"We’re saved because of His Grace. We’re justified because of His Grace. We can approach God’s Throne because of Grace.  His Grace is all we need to live a complete life in Christ.

"We are gifted to serve because of His Grace. We can be confident in our calling because He has given us everything we need to serve Him through His Grace."

I like the thought of "Blanket of Hope." 

Sing with me: 

Wonderful Grace of Jesus

"Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin;
How shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden, setting my spirit free,
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me."

"Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus, deeper than the mighty rolling sea,
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain, all sufficient grace for even me;
Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my grief and shame,
Oh magnify the precious Name of Jesus
Praise His Name!"

And a new worship hymn "Grace Flows Down" by Christy Nockels says in the refrain:

"Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
Amazing love, now flowing down,
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree,
As grace flows down and covers me."

"It covers me,
It covers me,
And covers me."

By His Grace . . .

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Prayer. Your prayer life. Have you grown in your prayer life or bottomed out? Do you pray? How do you pray?

For over 40 years I've lacked in prayer. I pray every day. Short prayers. And I've improved. I finally got a small spiral ruled notebook, and I write down names and concerns. But I don't always pick it up and use it.

Well, I was busted. Royally. Jerry and I visited an older couple, yes, even older than us. We got to talking about prayer. The women pulled out her prayer notebook and show it to me. It was astonishing. I felt small. 

God wants us to pray all the time. He wants us to talk with Him. Cry with Him. Laugh with Him. He wants a relationship with us. 

I was amazed at the pages filled with names and concerns in her prayer notebook "This is a prayer warrior," I knew. "This is somebody who spends a lot of time talking with God. This is a woman who knows He answers prayer.

As I get older, I can see myself spending more time in prayer. The simple fact that one slows down and can't move as they did in younger years provides the opportunity to pray more.

Seeing what this woman does each day made an impression on me. I may be a Christian of over 40 years, and I may be up in age, but I still have a lot to learn.

Because my eyes were opened by a true prayer warrior, I am making some changes to help me become a better person of prayer. I now have a designate time in the afternoon when I will turn to my prayer notebook. I've already started. This one change has made my morning devotion time richer. 

Busted. I'm so glad I was.

"Prayer does not enable us to do a great work for God. Prayer is a greater work for God."
Thomas Chalmers, 1780-1847

It just kind of quiets your heart!

There is a prayer in the book "The Light of His Presence" by Anne Graham Lotz, that caught my attention a few years ago. It's a prayer for our country. Since reading that prayer, I read it every Sunday morning to do my part in praying for our country. I have repeated it below to help you pray for the United States of America, our country, that needs the help only God can give us.

Most Holy God,

"In a world of famine, floods, and fire; a world of disease, death, and the disruption of our everyday activities, I choose to look up from my knees. I see You seated on the throne of glory, in control of all things. All things. I know that You are a God of mercy, grace, faithfulness, and loving-kindness. So I reject fear and its impact on my life, and I place my faith in You. You have said that Your ears are open to the cry of Your people, that Your eyes are upon us, and that Your arms are long enough to reach us and strong enough to hold us. Hold me now. Quiet my racing heart. Breathe Your Spirit of peace into me to calm the fear and turmoil.

"Even as I pray for Your peace, I wonder if the disasters erupting in our nation could be the spark that ignites a spiritual awakening. Are You trying to get our attention. I know that, when it comes to our relationship with You, we desperately need to wake up.

"We have legalized defiance against Your institution of marriage; we celebrate relationships that contradict Your instructions; we exterminate life that You created and that bears Your image--for our own convenience, we have become so secularized we don't even acknowledge that You exist, much less reverence or obey You.

"You have my attention. Therefore, like the prophet Daniel of old, I turn to You in humility and shame as I confess on behalf of America some of the national sins that come to mind . . .

"I confess national addiction to sex. To money. To pleasure. To entertainment. To pornography. To technology. To popularity. To ourselves.

"I confess our foolishness in denying You as the one true, living God, our Creator to whom we are accountable, living as though our lives are a cosmic accident with no eternal significance, purpose, or meaning.

"I confess our greed that has run up trillions of dollars of national debt.

"I confess our arrogance and pride that has led us to think we are sufficient in ourselves.

"I confess to believing that our nation's prosperity comes from our own greatness, while refusing to acknowledge that all blessings come from Your hand.

"I confess that we depend on our military might and our weapons systems to protect us from harm and danger while we deny, defy, and ignore You.

"I confess that we have succumbed to the pressure of pluralism in our desire to be inclusive, honoring other gods as though You are just one of many.

"I confess that we have allowed the material blessings You have given us to deceive us into thinking we don't need You.

I confess that we have valued our foolish pursuit of happiness through wealth and prosperity rather than treasuring our relationship with You. I confess that we have marginalized truth and main-streamed lies.

"I confess that we have become one nation under many gods, divided and polarized, with license to sin and justice that no longer follows the rule of law.

"Holy Spirit of the living God, convict us of the need to turn from our sin and get right with You.

"Lord God, have mercy on us. As we repent of our sin and return to You, return to us. There is no one like You to help the powerless against our mighty enemies, be they visible or invisible. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on You.

"I hold You to the promise you gave to King Solomon. You said, "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land, or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers."

"I hold You to Your word as I plead with You. Hear my prayer. Forgive our sin. Heal our land. I am standing in the gap for our nation.

"I pray in the name of the One who is our Deliverer. Our beautiful and only Savior. Lord of the nations. Son of God and Son of man. The living, reigning, soon-to-return Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus Christ.

"In His Name and for His glory, I pray. Amen."

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Barnyard


When I turn the calendar over to March I begin thinking about baby lamb. I visited my first barnyard at 52 years old. A friend from church knew a family that had a sheep farm, and they let me come and take pictures. It was a delightful afternoon!

A city girl visiting a barnyard. Since that time, I've visited two other barnyards and had just as good a time as the first one. Below are some of the pictures I took that day. It still thrills my heart!

Tender times.

Lady in waiting.

The door into fun!

A happy girl!

Ah . . . there must be something good inside there!

Resting on a spring afternoon.

For me, it was an exciting, happy day! A wonderful way to welcome March. You country girls have a lot over this city girl. I've been to two barnyards here in PA. I'm ready to go again!

By His Grace . . .

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...