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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Unimaginable Joy!

 "Joy is the deep settled confidence that God is in control of every area of my life."
Paul Sailhamer

November 14. A very important date for me. It was the day I was saved. The day I found new life in Christ. The day I started living for God.

It was way back in 1978 that I first stepped into Montrose Baptist Church in Rockville, Maryland, and heard the gospel message. Just my daughter and me. The church was next to the apartments we lived in. A short walk through a few trees and there I was.

That began a new life for the rest of my life. It brought the joy of the Lord into my life!

Lisa Guests said, in her book, "100 Favorite Bible Verses:" “The joy of the Lord – that God-given gladness found when we are in communion with God.” It, indeed, is God-given. It's hard to explain. It's just there. It never leaves. It fills your heart and soul at all times.

This joy helps you get through rough times, times of sadness, times of grief. It's there during the good times when your heart overflows with happiness! It never leaves you. 

That's what happened to me on November 14, 1978. Forty-five years ago. Joy came into my life. I thank God for His Faithfulness; I thank Christ for dying for me, and I thank the Holy Spirit for dwelling inside me.

Thinking of my last post and the question, "What if this is as good as it gets?" I believe I have the best I can possibly have! I'm celebrating!

Sing with me!

"Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God."

Leon Henri Bloy, 1846-1917

By His Grace . . .

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