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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Beauty of Words

I've always liked this picture that was taken in Gettysburg one year. 
The lantern flame, the flowers in the window and the beautiful stone home.
When I read a hymn in my hymnal, I often highlight a verse, or a line in a verse, that touches me. There is such beauty in the words of hymns. This is one of the verses I’ve highlighted from the hymn “God, Who Touches Earth With Beauty.”
 Like the arching of the heavens, Lift my thoughts above;
Turn my dreams to noble action, Ministries of love."
Verse 4
This is a hymn I’d never heard of before. That’s one of the beauties of reading hymnals. You find many hymns of beauty, with words to thrill your soul, that you will never hear sung. You will find verses, and lines in verses, that touch your soul and inspire your spirit.

I purchased this canvas picture last Fall to add to my collection.

Mary S. Edgar wrote this hymn. The other verses are just as lovely.

“God who touches earth with beauty, make my heart anew.
With your Spirit recreate me pure and strong and true.
“Like your springs and running water, make me crystal pure.
Like your rocks of tow’ring grandeur, make me strong and sure.
“Like your dancing waves in sunlight, make me glad and free.
Like the straightness of the pine trees, let me upright be.
“God who touches earth with beauty, make my heart anew.
Keep me ever, by your Spirit, pure and strong and true.”
We are equipped to serve God. To encourage people, to comfort people, to help people, to teach people. Are we doing it? Are we doing it with love?

You can’t do it if you’re not reading God’s Word. That’s where we find the inspiration to serve others. That’s where we are encouraged and comforted so that we can encourage and comfort others.

Another favorite picture of this beautiful buck in the field. I added the hymn lyrics of
"As The Deer."

I’m certain you’d like to have “Ministries of Love.” Words inspire you. If you don’t have a hymnal at home, I recommend purchasing one. Start reading from the beginning, one hymn each day. You will be amazed at the inspiration you receive. And don’t forget to sing it if you know the melody.

The beauty of words. Let your spirit be carried away by inspiring words that God has gifted others to write. And have “Ministries of Love!”


By His Grace . . .

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