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Tuesday, October 24, 2023


"But for you who revere My Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays."
Malachi 4:2a

We may not want to admit to it, but most of my lifelong friends, and many of my friends on Facebook are snowcapped. It's what happens when you reach the age of 60 and above. I like what Charles Spurgeon said:

"What a glorious sight to watch a saint mature to the point of becoming like a mighty Alp--snowcapped, chosen of God, and magnificently reflecting the bright rays of 'the sun of righteousness' and His radiance, lifting Christ up for all to see the glory of His Father who is in heaven.

Calm and resting on a fall afternoon, with just a hint of color in the background.

A mighty Alp! Living for Jesus! Dare I say it's a description most of us would like said about us?

You say you can't do much of anything anymore? You can be an influence of good to every person you come in contact with. You can sing the hymns and songs that have made a difference in your life while you're out and about. You can talk on the phone giving encouragement, laughter and offering godly advice to a listening ear. 

The VERY BEST thing you can still do is PRAY!

The leaves themselves are bright and beautiful!

There is still so much for us to do. It's not small stuff. It's great and important stuff. It's what lives are made of. We can exhibit all we have been taught through the years, making a shining example for others to see. 

Even the sad and rough periods of our lives have much to offer others. We made it through because of God's love and care of us. That means so much to those who are struggling, hurt and lost hope. We have the great HOPE to share. Jesus, our living HOPE. It's all because of Him.

Continuing, Charles Spurgeon said: "If we truly desire to 'ripen' in grace, we must be close to Jesus, living in His presence, and becoming ripened in the sunshine of His smiles . . . Only then will we find ourselves advancing in holiness, love, faith, and hope -- indeed, in every precious gift."

Yes, we are snowcapped, chosen and living for our great God. Be thankful He has allowed you to continue to live. Snowcapped or not, you are still usable!

We have so much to look forward to if we love God. if we put our trust in Him. So accept the gift of old age with open hands and say, Thank you, Lord. Make me a godly man or a godly woman in my old age."
Elisabeth Elliot

"Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?
Job 12:12

By His Grace . . .

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