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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

An Embarrassment and God's Cathedral

Beauty to come. Driving through the woods on a beautiful fall day.

I was at the writer's conference this past Saturday that I spoke about in the other week's post. The conference center was surrounded by woods. 

The conference didn't start out well. My confession: Sometimes I don't understand simple words, meanings and pronunciation. This has been a lifelong disadvantage. I've concluded that my brain just isn't able to remember words and meanings that I don't use often. That can be a disadvantage and an embarrassment.

The first session in the conference we had a simple assignment of a simile exercise. I couldn't remember what simile means. My written response was: "I have absolutely no idea what to write about. My imagination doesn't even come close to doing what I've been asked to do. I can't even remember what a simile is. Sometimes I feel stupid that I can't grasp what other people seem to have no problem doing. I just accept that these are my limitations and there is nothing I can do about it so why get upset. I know what I am able to do, so I will concentrate on doing that and be happy with my accomplishments. I have acceptance within myself and that is a good thing." Thankfully, we did not have to turn in our assignment.

My friend, Kim, from the Chambersburg area, joined me at the conference. It always makes things easier when you are with a friend you know and enjoy. 

I managed to get through the morning exercises. I was most interested in hearing advice and tips for writing. I tried not to let the exercises bother me.

The afternoon assignment was outside. We were to walk in the woods, choose an object and observe sounds, smells, textures, colors, shade and surfaces, writing about what it brought to mind. It didn't interest me. The only thing I could think about as I stood before the entrance to the woods was God.

"That's what I will write about," I decided. As I walked into the woods my first thought was, "I'm walking into God's cathedral. He is here, all around me." 

First, I heard the chirping of insects. I basked in the sound. The noise was smooth as a stone as they sang their song. I stood in one place, turning a quarter of the way around, looking and listening. Then I would turn another quarter around, until the circle was made. 

The third turn brought bright light shining down upon me. A break in the treetops let the sunshine through completely covering me, enveloping me in God's warmth. He came down from heaven for me. 

"How mighty He is," I thought. Strong as a rock and bold as a lion; gentle as a lamb. "How magnificent is His glory." I was standing in His sanctuary filled unashamedly with gratitude and thankfulness.

As I turned to my original position, color caught my eye, I looked up. Bright yellow and orange at the top of the trees shown through. Brilliant blue in the sky was behind the fall color. That's when I snapped the picture below.

The "Black Bear Trail."

I stood there for some time admiring God's creation. Smiling, I turned and walked out of the woods, my heart full and my mind at rest. I had completed the assignment in my own way and met God in the process.

The confusion and embarrassment of the morning evaporated for I had stood in God's cathedral and felt His presence. What a glorious experience! God shared His glory with me and encouraged my heart.

We all have our limitations and feelings of embarrassment and disappointment. Our God doesn't leave us there. If we just look and listen, we can hear His voice and see His splendor. Aren't you thankful for that!

. . . and hopefully see a deer or two!

By His Grace . . .

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