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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What Matters?

I love all the spring babies!
Are you familiar with the song "These Are The Things That Matter?" It was written by Arthur Smith, country, bluegrass and gospel musician, in 1951. I found it in George Beverly Shea's book, "How Sweet The Sound."

Smith wrote the words when their son was born.

First Verse
"A heart that's concerned for a fellow man,
An ear that will hear and will understand;
An eye that will look for the best in a man;
These are the things that matter.

This somg has prompted me to consider what I believe matters. It will be different for each of us.

For my life the first thing that really matters is that I consistently live for and love God with all my heart. As it says in Mark 12:28: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

The second most important thing that matters is that my family members are saved by God's grace. I will pray for this until the day I go to my heavenly home.

The third thing most important in my life is that I do what God has gifted me to do which is encourage, inspire, exhort others to live for Christ.

The fourth thing is to do my best to share my faith with those I come in contact with.

Third Verse
"To know that this life is for such a short time,
And to know there's a God and to know He's divine;
To know that He walks beside you all the time,
These are the things that matter."  

There truly is nothing else that really matters in my life. If I do these things I will live the life God created me for and everything else will fall into place according to His plan.

What matters most in your life? Focus on the things that are most important in your life and you will find your life being one filled with joy. 

By His Grace . . .

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