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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Nature's Frequency

 "More and more as we come closer and closer in touch with nature and its teachings are we
able to see the Divine and are therefore fitted to interpret correctly the various languages
spoken by all forms of nature about us."
George Washington Carver

I love this snap because she was just about to go down on the bunch. Five seconds after I took the snap she had them all covered!

The other week I watched a video that featured Sonya Isaacs from The Issacs, gospel and country singing family. She spoke about an early album they recorded titled, Natures Frequency 432, and from their studies at that time they learned some interesting things about nature's frequency..

I looked it up online but can't do justice to the meaning of this. Sonya said: "The natural hum of the earth is at that frequency. God created everything into existence. Everything resounds to His voice. We have little bitty vibrators in our body. Our bodies respond to His voice."

Continuing, "When the birds sing, their voices cause the vegetation to awaken in the morning and cause the pores of the plants to open so they can receive the dew of the morning." I think that's just plain cool!

"God created everything we need in nature and the sounds can bring healing. There is a natural hum to the earth." If your hearing is extremely sensitive, like a blind person's hearing, you can hear the hum.

She said they learned that listening to music with this frequency can be healing to your body. 

"Nothing is without voice; God everywhere can hear
Arising from creation His praise and echo clear."
Angelus Silesius, 1624-1677

On Music Theory: 432 Hz - Separating Fact From Fiction: Ask Audio 432 Hz, it says: "The magic number everybody is talking about. It is said to be the natural frequency of the universe, to have cosmic healing powers and to attract masses of audience to our music . . . Just by tuning our music we are promised direct access to the universe's hidden treasures."

All of this is way above my knowledge level, but I find it very interesting. Our God is a master creator. Just think of our human body. It is amazing how all of our parts have an exact function and can only work as all the other parts do their assigned jobs.

If you want to check out the video you can find it here: 

While attending a ladies retreat, I walked around the grounds and found this family.

A Number

Isn't it strange how good your birth date looks when you turn over the calendar and see it? It is for me. Seeing my birth date brings a "feel good" feeling and makes me smile.

I had that feeling today, March 14
th. I turn 74, and I smiled.

Not even the year upsets me. I've never been concerned about my age. Well, when I turned 30, I wasn't too happy. But since then, I joyfully celebrate each birthday!

When I reached the milestone of 50, I said, "Thus begins celebrating an entire week!" From that year forward I have joyfully celebrated my birthday for a week.

My birth date may look especially happy to me because I was saved on the 14th, married on the 14th, and retired on the 14th.. None of these occasions were specifically planned for the 14th. They just worked out that way. You can imagine what the day of my death is going to be.

I so often hear people say having birthdays are "better than the alternative." I wonder if they are aware of the heaven I know. Better than that? When my God calls me home, what rejoicing there will be!

As fun as I try and make my birthday celebrations, I'm ready to meet my God for an eternity in heaven. Now that will be a celebration!

Last week . . . 8 years cancer free! Thank you, God! 

On my way to work one morning I was delighted to see this family and stopped and took their picture!

By His Grace . . .

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