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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Reading the Hard Ones

This past week I've been dealing with a head cold, laying low, resting and trying to get through the normal irritations of a cold. It gave me plenty of time to think. 

I think we all find it hard reading through many of the books of the Old Testament. When I'm looking for the next book in the Bible to read and study, I rarely choose the hard ones, relying on the easier books like Psalms and Proverbs, and the ones we hear most often in sermons like: Genesis, Job, Daniel and Ruth.

Isaiah kept coming to my mind though. I've read some things recently, and Isaiah must have been mentioned. I thought about how I could tackle this long and difficult book and came up with a game plan.

I will read one chapter a week. A week, I'll read it several times. In sections. With a commentary. When I feel confident in what I'm reading and understand that chapter I'll move forward. Isaiah is filled with readings about our Lord and the future Kingdom. I decided I didn't want to miss that!

I have read through the Bible twice, from beginning to end, so I have gone through the book of Isaiah before. But I'm thinking this new approach will leave a better and deeper understanding of what this great prophet was inspired to write.

With 66 chapters in Isaiah, I have my work cut out for me this year. I'm looking forward to it. Even excited about it. Being in God's family now some 44 years, the desire of learning about God's Word never ends. The opportunities are boundless.  

Now, if only this cold will go away. I've turned a corner, so I think I'm coming to the end of it now. After all, I have a book to read!

By His Grace . . .

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