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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

A Chocolate What?

This Valentine's Day I'm reposting an article I wrote in 2013 for Valentine's Day. It always makes me smile. Hope you smile too!

I enjoy reading blogs other have created. I gravitate towards those who enjoy photography, and artists whose pictures and writings I enjoy. Susan Branch and Karla Dornacher are two artists who inspire me and encourage my heart. 

Last week I stopped at Susan's blog and found a simple recipe for chocolate eclairs, and since the recipe was simple, I decided to give it a try. That Saturday morning, I prepared to make them.

I'll take them to my Sunday School class in honor of Valentine's Day," I decided.

Suffice to say my first attempt was not successful. The little puffs of dough didn't rise, the cream filling turned out ok (much to my astonishment), and the chocolate didn't come out smooth for dripping over the dough. I couldn't help but laugh at my attempt. They certainly would not be going to my Sunday School class. 

Jerry tasted one and said they were good. Mom even liked them. I finally ate one and must confess it did taste good. Jerry said he'd take them to his Sunday School class. "Only if you tell them it's my first attempt and they don't look so good." I said.

Sunday morning came. I walked in my Sunday School class and there were sweet donuts in the shape of hearts for us to enjoy. I began telling my friends about my ill-fated eclairs when in walked Jerry, Floyd, Steve, Talmadge, Dan, Tom and Barry, each holding one of my misshaped eclairs.

"Jerry said we had to tell you that he told us this is your first attempt in making chocolate eclairs," one of them said. "Please bring us all other rejects! They are delicious!"

It was so funny. They had me bending over with laughter. And my dear Sunday School class was disappointed they weren't eating them!

My friend, Janet told me, "There is no such thing as a badchocolate eclair if there's something you can lick off your finger!" I like that!

Yes, I will try again. With a few pointers from my friends, I will attempt a second time to make chocolate eclairs. This time, though, I know I can still enjoy the delicious taste, even if they don't pass the look' test!

By His Grace . . .

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