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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Possessed by Faith


"I do not want merely to possess faith; I want a faith that possess me."
Charles Kingsley

A faith that possesses me. It means that 100% of the time, my faith is with me and before me. It's me at all times. I am only what my faith is.  

My thinking, my hearing, my working, my resting, my talking is all controlled with my faith. Every part of me is under leadership of my faith. 

Sounds hard. It is hard. But if I have deep, settled confidence in my heart that my faith has complete control over every aspect of my life. I will live each day possessed by my faith. 

I also like what George MacDonald, 1824-1905 said: "That man is perfect in faith who can come to God in the utter dearth of his feelings and his desires, without a glow or an aspiration, with the weight of low thoughts, failures, neglects, and wandering forgetfulness, and say to him, 'Thou art my refuge because thou art my home.'" 

Some more words from saints of old:

"My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with Him and nothing else you can be happy, but without Him and with all else you'll never by happy." Patrick Henry,1736-1799

"Faith is a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully and confidently upon the trustworthiness of God." John R. Stott, 1921-

"Faith means being grasped by a power that is greater than we are, a power that shakes us and turns us, and transforms and heals us. Surrender to this power is faith." Paul Johannes Oskar Tillich, 1886-1965

"Faith recognizes that God is in control, not man. Faith does it God's way, to God's timing--according to His good pleasure. Faith does not take life into its own hands, but in respect and trust places it in God's
Kay Arthur

"The faith towards God in Christ must be sure and steadfast, that it may solace and make glad the conscience, and put it to rest. when a man has this certainty. he has overcome the serpent.
Martin Luther

I want a faith that possess me. What about you?

By His Grace . . .

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