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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Gifts Overflowing

"It is part of the kindness of God that amid all the change there are things we can always count on. The unfailing regularity of the seasons and the reliability of nature; the glory of the stars, the innocence of morning; the healing power of time and the sustaining power of hope; the heart's yearning for love and the soul's hunger for prayer; the endless quest for truth and the stubborn struggle for justice; the restless urge to create and the valiant will to overcome--these are some of the things we can count on. These are the things that hold in a slippery world."
Sidney Greenberg

Simple creations from Digital Art by Karla Dornacher.

A friend sent me a message with words of simpler times. When I responded I wrote, "Yes, to sit back and enjoy simpler times. I truly try to do that. Each day simpler, simpler, simpler. And it's then that the heart can hear, and the mind can consider all the gifts our Heavenly Father has given us."

And that's how I came to this blog post. It's early Sunday morning and I didn't have any words yet for this post. My friend's message showed up this morning. Where did my words come from? "When the heart can hear, and the mind can consider all the gifts our Heavenly Father has given us."

Many of us are concerned with gifts, gifts, gifts for family, friends and acquaintances. Let's take a minute though, to consider the gifts we've received from our God. The gifts we don't think about but just accept. The gifts that keep us going through our life seasons.

I'm talking about believing. God's gift to us so we can believe who He is, the Words He's written, the essence of our faith. Thanking Him for the Holy Spirit who makes it possible for us to understand and believe. 

The brothers and sisters in Christ that we are friends with, that we worship with, that we serve with. The ones who understand and believe just as we do. Who we are comfortable being around and sharing with. That makes our lives easier.

The 24-hour contact we have with our God. He's always with us. He hears our every thought and whisper. We don't have to go anywhere to find Him. He lives in us. 

Our caring hearts which He gave us. He changed our life so we can care about others. Serve others. Help others. Be helped by others. 

The memory He put in our minds so we can recall His work in our life and always know He guides and directs us through His Spirit. Memory helps us make right decisions because of His guidance in earlier days. It reminds us of answers to prayer that encourage us to go forward. It reminds us that He loves us.

The beauty of nature that He opened our eyes too. The lovely hues of a morning sunrise and the comforting glow when the sun sets. The beauty in every season when we acclaim, "How beautiful God!" The amazing number of different birds in size and color. In wildlife. The fish of the sea. In adorable and loving pets that bring us cheer.

These are just a few things that God has given us that we don't consider often. Take a few minutes to thank Him for all of His gifts, especially the ones we just take for granted. 

Yes, let your heart hear and your mind consider all God has given you. His Gifts. From His heart. Especially at this time of the year when we thank Him for our Savior, Jesus.

"Think of how good God is! He gives us the physical, mental, and spiritual ability to work in His kingdom, and then He rewards us for doing it!
Erwin W. Lutzer, 1941-

By His Grace . . .

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