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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

I am His Child

"When we receive Christ as our Savior, we receive absolute assurance that we will spend eternity with God. That assurance gives us the hope and the courage to endure sorrow, disappointment, and dangerous, difficult times."
Joel Rosenberg

Meet Giggles!

Sometimes you have to take a step back and pause. My wish this Christmas was a teddy bear. Yes, I'm 73 years old, and I needed a reminder of being a child and the magic of the Christmas season. With no children, grandchildren or great grandchildren to enjoy the season with, I felt a teddy bear would help me this Christmas.

I'm naming my teddy bear "Giggles" so every time I see him I will smile, and my heart will be cheered.

My dear, dear friend gifted me with Giggles. I had seen him online and told her about him. I just felt like I was supposed to have him. 

Being a child is how my Heavenly Father tells me to come to Him. Matthew 18:3 says: "And He said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

We certainly don't like to think of ourselves as little children, but this meaning behind His words help us to understand what He was saying:

"God will put certain people in certain positions of authority as he wills, but it is never to elevate one in importance and value over another. Jesus consistently pointed to children for an example of how to be citizens of his Kingdom. Childlike faith is a virtue. Childlike trust in the Father is a virtue, but this is so counter-cultural and contrary to the nature of Satan in the unbeliever that he disciples would not come close to living it until after Pentecost when they are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

"It is so good to trust God in the way a child would trust his good and powerful (to the child) earthly father. Children trust their parents for wisdom, provision, protection, order, and vision. Christians who learn to trust their Heavenly Father in the same way will live life abundantly and bear the light yoke of Christ."

Thank you, my kindred spirit, best friend forever, wonderful friend. I will think of you also when I see Giggles and smile.

Jesus Loves Even Me
Philip P. Bliss, author

"I am so glad that our Father in heaven
Tells of His love in the Book He has given;
Wonderful things in the Bible I see,
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me."

"I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me;
I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves even me."

"If I forget Him and wander away,
Still He doth love me wherever I stray;
Back to His dear loving arms would I flee,
When I remember that Jesus loves me."

"Oh, if there's only one song I can sing,
When in His beauty I see the great King,
This shall my song through eternity be,
Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me!"

"Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him;
Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem;
Yes, it was love made Him die on the tree;
Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me!"

"If one should ask of me, how can I tell?
Glory to Jesus, I know very well!
God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
Constantly witnessing Jesus loves me."

"In this assurance I find sweetest rest,
Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blest;
Satan, dismayed, from my soul now doth flee,
When I just tell him that Jesus loves me."

If you need a little assurance this Christmas, no matter what your age, come to Jesus as a little child and let Him care for you. Jesus loves even you. You are His child.

Giggles and me.

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Gifts Overflowing

"It is part of the kindness of God that amid all the change there are things we can always count on. The unfailing regularity of the seasons and the reliability of nature; the glory of the stars, the innocence of morning; the healing power of time and the sustaining power of hope; the heart's yearning for love and the soul's hunger for prayer; the endless quest for truth and the stubborn struggle for justice; the restless urge to create and the valiant will to overcome--these are some of the things we can count on. These are the things that hold in a slippery world."
Sidney Greenberg

Simple creations from Digital Art by Karla Dornacher.

A friend sent me a message with words of simpler times. When I responded I wrote, "Yes, to sit back and enjoy simpler times. I truly try to do that. Each day simpler, simpler, simpler. And it's then that the heart can hear, and the mind can consider all the gifts our Heavenly Father has given us."

And that's how I came to this blog post. It's early Sunday morning and I didn't have any words yet for this post. My friend's message showed up this morning. Where did my words come from? "When the heart can hear, and the mind can consider all the gifts our Heavenly Father has given us."

Many of us are concerned with gifts, gifts, gifts for family, friends and acquaintances. Let's take a minute though, to consider the gifts we've received from our God. The gifts we don't think about but just accept. The gifts that keep us going through our life seasons.

I'm talking about believing. God's gift to us so we can believe who He is, the Words He's written, the essence of our faith. Thanking Him for the Holy Spirit who makes it possible for us to understand and believe. 

The brothers and sisters in Christ that we are friends with, that we worship with, that we serve with. The ones who understand and believe just as we do. Who we are comfortable being around and sharing with. That makes our lives easier.

The 24-hour contact we have with our God. He's always with us. He hears our every thought and whisper. We don't have to go anywhere to find Him. He lives in us. 

Our caring hearts which He gave us. He changed our life so we can care about others. Serve others. Help others. Be helped by others. 

The memory He put in our minds so we can recall His work in our life and always know He guides and directs us through His Spirit. Memory helps us make right decisions because of His guidance in earlier days. It reminds us of answers to prayer that encourage us to go forward. It reminds us that He loves us.

The beauty of nature that He opened our eyes too. The lovely hues of a morning sunrise and the comforting glow when the sun sets. The beauty in every season when we acclaim, "How beautiful God!" The amazing number of different birds in size and color. In wildlife. The fish of the sea. In adorable and loving pets that bring us cheer.

These are just a few things that God has given us that we don't consider often. Take a few minutes to thank Him for all of His gifts, especially the ones we just take for granted. 

Yes, let your heart hear and your mind consider all God has given you. His Gifts. From His heart. Especially at this time of the year when we thank Him for our Savior, Jesus.

"Think of how good God is! He gives us the physical, mental, and spiritual ability to work in His kingdom, and then He rewards us for doing it!
Erwin W. Lutzer, 1941-

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Possessed by Faith


"I do not want merely to possess faith; I want a faith that possess me."
Charles Kingsley

A faith that possesses me. It means that 100% of the time, my faith is with me and before me. It's me at all times. I am only what my faith is.  

My thinking, my hearing, my working, my resting, my talking is all controlled with my faith. Every part of me is under leadership of my faith. 

Sounds hard. It is hard. But if I have deep, settled confidence in my heart that my faith has complete control over every aspect of my life. I will live each day possessed by my faith. 

I also like what George MacDonald, 1824-1905 said: "That man is perfect in faith who can come to God in the utter dearth of his feelings and his desires, without a glow or an aspiration, with the weight of low thoughts, failures, neglects, and wandering forgetfulness, and say to him, 'Thou art my refuge because thou art my home.'" 

Some more words from saints of old:

"My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with Him and nothing else you can be happy, but without Him and with all else you'll never by happy." Patrick Henry,1736-1799

"Faith is a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully and confidently upon the trustworthiness of God." John R. Stott, 1921-

"Faith means being grasped by a power that is greater than we are, a power that shakes us and turns us, and transforms and heals us. Surrender to this power is faith." Paul Johannes Oskar Tillich, 1886-1965

"Faith recognizes that God is in control, not man. Faith does it God's way, to God's timing--according to His good pleasure. Faith does not take life into its own hands, but in respect and trust places it in God's
Kay Arthur

"The faith towards God in Christ must be sure and steadfast, that it may solace and make glad the conscience, and put it to rest. when a man has this certainty. he has overcome the serpent.
Martin Luther

I want a faith that possess me. What about you?

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Cheer of a December Morning

 "Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness and its power of endurance--the cheerful man will do more in the same time, will do it better, will persevere in it longer, than the sad or sullen."
Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881

December starts a tradition I've enjoyed for many years. In the early morning, after the Christmas lights have been put up, I sit in the darkness on the couch and enjoy the Christmas lights, meditating on the season and being thankful for Jesus. All the pictures were taken in the dark just as I see them.

In front of me is the little fake fireplace that gives off a cozy glow and warmth, It reminds me of the fireplace we had in MD and how much I enjoy a live fire. Our little fireplace may be fake, but it still gives me the feeling of home. I also thank God for heat to keep me warm during the cold winter months.

Just beside the fireplace is the table of angels and snowmen. My angel picture was taken in MD. Twenty angels glowed in the front yard of a home. I loved driving by it.

The wagon is filled with snowmen. With God's promise that He will wash us "whiter than snow," it focuses my mind on this wonderful gift from God.

My head then turns to the left where baby Jesus lies in his manger, with an angel watching over Him. I bought the red barn a few years ago, and love to put it in the scene. This is the reason for Christmas.

Next to that is the small Christmas tree. The lights remind me that Jesus is the Light of the world, a symbol of HOPE.

Then I see another angel with some deer and a picture of a snow scene. The snowy wilderness. Yes, I had to get deer in there somewhere. 

Jo keeps me warm also as she lays between my legs resting. Her presence brings calm to my mind.

When I look towards the dining room, I see another angel and snowman.

When I turn to the right there is a basket full or greenery and ornaments. 

There's also a winter wooded scene in the dining room of my perfect cottage in the woods. Some dreams only remain dreams but the thought of them always makes me smile. There is a dog, deer, moose, bear and fox, tree house, bench and bridge over the little creek to complete my perfect home surrounded by wildlife.

While I'm enjoying all this, I have a cup of hot cocoa. This is my happy cup. I bought it before I started cancer treatments eight years ago and it has remained my happy cup ever since.

Yes, this is a special time of day when all is quiet, and I can sit and enjoy this special season of the year. Some of the lights will remain through February to bring warmth and coziness to winter's cold mornings. It's one of my special times that only comes in the winter months. A little cheer each morning to start the day.

"Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity."
Joseph Addison, 1672-1719

By His Grace . . . 

Even There

Anybody home? Nope. We all flew south! Winter in Mount Airy, MD " If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of th...