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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Just Do it!

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."
Ronald E. Osborn

The last two weeks I've enjoyed snapping buck. I enjoy seeing those big antlers!

I had one more hymn story to read in “Then Sings My Soul” by Robert J. Morgan, and it was a pleasant surprise. Morgan wrote the last hymn titled "The All Sufficient King." I enjoyed the lyrics, but what caught my eye, was the end note that he wrote. It reminded me of a time long ago. Here’s what he said:

"You, too, can be a hymnist. As you study the Bible, take time to compose your thoughts and devotions into verse form. If you aren't a musician, find a familiar old melody and create new stanzas for it. If no one sings your hymn but you, it will still bless your own soul and please the heart of God."

I remember creating a short worship song that I sang for a while during my working years. Unfortunately, I didn’t write it down, and it’s lost forever. But why can’t I, or you, write a hymn.

I'm finding friends, in their 60s and 70s, are doing new things. Writing, drawing, baking, photography, sewing, scrapbooking and other interesting endeavors. And we're good at it! Not sure why this happens. Maybe it's just we have time to do things we only thought about in younger years.

I started quilting in my late 60s. My neighbor started painting. Another is gardening. When I retired, I played in the dirt for the first time at 64! Creating my gardens will always be a wonderful memory. I’m thankful to have picture books so I can enjoy them at any time.

It’s a joy to see many learning new, creative hobbies and being good at it! So why not a hymn?

Below is the first verse of Mr. Morgan’s hymn, “The All Sufficient King”:

 “We come, O God, into your courts, We enter through your gate
We scan the altar where the Lamb Displays Your love so great
We bring our hands and heart and head Where sinful dust does cling
Before the laver of Your Grace That makes us pure and clean."

Is there something you’ve wanted to try? Don’t wait. Life goes by very quickly. We don’t know the time or day we’ll be called to our eternal home. Find something new to do that will bring you joy and encourage your heart. Why not write a hymn?

By His Grace . . .


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