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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Good Things In You

I was reading in "Sparkling Gems from the Greek" by Rick Renner. The title of his devotion is: "It's Time for You to Start Confessing 'Good Things' About Yourself!"  Odd indeed.

The Scripture verse explained the title a little bit more: "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

"What kind of things do you say about yourself? Do you speak well of yourself, or are you hyper-critical of your appearance, your weight, your intelligence, your talents, your skills, and every other aspect of who you are as a person?"

Well, you can surely understand where he's going with this. Who of us hasn't been critical about ourselves. We don't normally think what we do is anything special, or what we say is anything important, or we did such a good job at something.

"The worth of an individual is not ascribed by law . . . it's endowed by the Creator."
James C. Dobson, 1936-

Renner continues: "Paul said we need to speak good things about ourselves! In Philemon 1:6, he said, 'That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.' " Indeed, Jesus has done good things in every one of us. "He saved you, healed you, redeemed you, and protected you. He has given you a sound mind. He has given you the mind of Christ. He has imparted gifts and talents to you; and He has planned a future for your life that is simply glorious."

But then he says: "You are loaded with phenomenal potential that is just waiting to be activated!"

Activated. Interesting. Are we openly talking about, sharing about and living all the good things He has given us as His children?

We are all sinners, but we are also children of the King. There are good things in us. Those good things are through our Savior. We can acknowledge all the good things, giving credit to our King whenever we display them in our own life.

Stop speaking and thinking badly about yourself. My list is long. I have a lot I can speak badly about myself. But that isn't what will encourage or inspire me, and it certainly won't motivate someone else to desire our faith!

Remember you have been bought with a high price by a Savior who loves you and desires you to become all the good things that He has given you. Good things. Good things in you. Good things in me.

"Self-acceptance is basically a spiritual issue. What it boils down to is this: are we able to thank the Creator for the way He made us? . . . If we can thank Him, we display our belief that He knows what is best for us. And that will help us accept ourselves--limitations, failures, and all."
Erwin W. Lutzer, 1941- 

You are filled with all His Good Things so you can display them, always giving Him credit. Inspire. Motivate. Encourage, letting others see what He has done for you.

By His Grace . . .

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