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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Snow Crowned, Snow Washed, Snow Ready to See Jesus!

"Winter . . . the ideal occasion to slow down. To invest a few extra hours in quiet reverence."
Charles R. Swindoll, 1914-
What a snap! I found it on the Facebook page of Old Fashion Christmas. This is beauty!
 I can't let winter pass without at least one blog post about the beauty of snow! The other week I read these words from Jerusha Agen, in the Daily Guideposts 2022:
 “I love the times when people ask me why I enjoy winter so much. Mostly because then I get to tell them about one of the most wondrous evidences of the awesome character of our God – snow. . . Nothing moves me more to worship my Creator than huge, fluffy flakes falling in silence and cloaking our world in a blanket of white, sparkling perfection . . . Each tiny flake is a work of art more stunning and intricate than anything I could ever imagine.  Each flake is unique from the others, and each one shouts to the heavens that our God is an artist like no other. That He loves beauty more than we do. That we are surrounded by evidences of His glory and power that can inspire and encourage us if we’ll only look closely . . . The season truly does bring a winter wonderland—a world full of the wonders of my Father. Who has made me, in His eyes, even more beautiful than snow.”          Jerusha Agen                                                                                                         Daily Guideposts 2022, January 26

They key here is "eyes to see." Our God, the creator of the universe, is exhibited in His creation! If you don't have eyes to see, you will miss the beauty, glory, and breathtaking work He has done. And snow is one of those things. 


In the enjoyable hymn "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart," the words "snow crowned age" are mentioned in the second verse. I like that! 
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
Edward H. Plumptre, 1821-1891
Second verse
"Bright youth and snow crowned age,
Strong men and maidens meek,
Raise high your free, exultant song,
God's wondrous praises speak."
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, give thanks and sing

Yes, Snow crowned! Snow washed! Snow ready to see Jesus!
The evening Charles Spurgeon was saved he walked home and said: "My soul was so full of joy I wanted to tell every snowflake falling from heaven of the wondrous love of Jesus -- He who had blotted out the sins of such a terrible rebel."
One early morning in 2003 during a heavy snow storm I opened the back door and heard this:
 "Snow . . .
I was amazed at the sound
A whisper different from wind
Yet, precise; like nothing else I've ever heard
Snow falling from the heaven
My heart rested and listened
A couldn't keep away from my back door
I heard snow falling and thanked God."


If you are unfamiliar with the hymn "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" you can find it here on YouTube:

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