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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Flowers of Heaven

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Philippians 4:11 
Some spring and summer finery to help get us through this winter.
The first time I became familiar with Philippians 4:11 is during the first year I was saved. My home church had a Singles Sunday School class, and I started attending. Shortly after that I started working on a newsletter for the Singles class and came upon this Scripture verse. 

Considering that most of the members were divorced or widowed, we certainly needed to learn to be content where we were. Through the years I've learned much more regarding contentment and what it means as a Christian.
"Contentment is one of the precious flowers of heaven, and if we desire it, it must be cultivated." Charles Spurgeon, 1834-1892
 All of God's lessons are hard to learn, Contentment is a gradual understanding of what is important in life, especially the Christian life. As each year goes by, I've found myself learning through my joys, my sadness, my heartaches and my happiness. There really is truth to gray hair and wisdom!
The more we are filled with God's wisdom, the more we learn precious gifts to fulfill our lives. Thankfully, contentment is one of those gifts.

"You cannot learn contentment through knowledge alone -- this lesson requires discipline. . . It is not a strength that comes naturally but a science to be acquired gradually over time -- something we know from experience." 
Charles Spurgeon, 1834-1892

You learn to be content with what you have, where you are headed, what work is most important for you to succeed in service to God, and the ability to find happiness in each day.
I started studying the book of John at the first of the year and the other day the verses I read brought contentment to my mind. "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father one one."
That certainly brings peace and contentment to my mind! We are safe in the care of Jesus and our Heavenly Father. How thankful I am!

You really can be content with your life. And once you are, your days can be filled with happiness no matter what is going on. You will still be sad and grieve when circumstances are hard, but you will be in a state of protection knowing God is in control of all things.


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