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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Walk Down Patience Road

Ponder: to think something over thoroughly; to be deep in thought

 "God engineers our circumstances as he did those of his Son; all we have to do is to follow where he places us. The majority of us are busy trying to place ourselves. God alters things while we wait for Him."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

"I need patience, Lord! I need it now!" Seems simple enough. "Lord, just pour it upon me so I can deal with what I'm going through." But as the following story shares, it's not simple at all.

"A young man went to an aged saint on one occasion and asked him to pray for him saying, 'I find myself giving way to impatience continually. Will you please pray for me that I may be more patient.' The old man agreed. They knelt together and the man of God began to pray: 'Lord, send this young man tribulation in the morning, send this young man tribulation in the afternoon . . . ' The young man nudged him and said, 'No, no not tribulation, patience!' 'But,' said the old saint, 'it is tribulation that worketh patience! If you would know patience you must have the tribulation.'" W. J. Brown, Streams in the Desert 2
We have no idea how having tribulation gives us patience, but God's ways are higher than ours. And as many of you older saints know, patience comes miraculously as we work our way through tribulation. And what a gift it is!
"If you would know victory, you must have conflict, it is ridiculous for anybody to talk about having a victory when they have never been in a conflict. You must be prepared to enter into the arena with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and He will give you lessons day by day. But I warn you, you will have to be quite prepared to pay the price. No one can enjoy victory without paying a price, even in the ordinary realms of life."   W. J. Brown, Streams in the Desert 2
 No one will ever know the full depth of his capacity for patience and humility as long as nothing bothers him. It is only when times are troubled and difficult that he can see how much of either is in him.
Saint Francis of Assisi, 1181-1226

We don't need to ever ask God: "Give me patience?"All of us go through trials and temptations. It's a part of life. But if you're in God's Will, and you live for Him, He automatically works in you for good.

"There is no such thing as preaching patience into people unless the sermon is so long they have to practice it while they hear. No man can learn patience except by going out into the hurly-burly world and taking life just as it blows. Patience is riding out the gale."
Henry Ward Beecher, 1813-1887

Springtime delight!

The next time you want to ask God for patience, change your request to a prayer of assurance: "God is [my] refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1  This assurance from the Lord ought to take care of all of our fears and problems. He will enable you to continue with renewed strength and confidence.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Mary had a little Lamb . . .

 "Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go."
What a little face! Looks like a smile just for me!
 . . . whose fleece was white as snow." But the little lamb I saw were a little dirty.
Twice last week I visited a local sheep farm near Hazen. Two years ago I visited there and walked around in the barn with lamb everywhere. It was just as thrilling to be back in the barn!

When spring comes, aside from flowers blooming and warm weather, I look for baby animals. Ponds will have geese and goslings, fields will have cows and calves, backyards will have rabbits and bunnies. And one of my favorite to photograph are lamb.

Since retiring I've been in three sheep barns. My greatest thrill is seeing the small lamb that are kept in stalls to themselves. Our trip last week afforded me that opportunity.

Steve, a friend from Maryland, interceded for me and got me my first visit to a sheep farm. I was only 62. Took me a long time to get there. I gave him a kiss on the cheek for his efforts.

There is another Lamb though that thrills my heart. Jesus. He became the Lamb of God just for me. And you. And you.

Israel had a history of sacrificing Lamb to atone for their sin. And so God provided a Lamb, to sacrifice for our sin. And He is as white as snow!

I love seeing all those little lamb running around, sleeping, jumping, resting. But far better is when I'll see the Son of God, with open arms, who died for me.

Resting in the barn.
I'll still go out looking for baby animals and taking pictures of them. It's one of the joys God has given to me. Yet, my heart knows, my greatest joy is found in the one who died for me. I don't have to look for Him. He's safe in my heart.

"Our notion of sacrifice is the wringing out of us something we don't want to give up. The Bible idea of sacrifice is that I give as a love gift the very best thing I have."
Oswald  Chambers, 1874-1917

Just a little thing.

"O Lamb of God Sweet Lamb of God
I love the Holy Lamb of God
O wash me in His precious blood
My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God."

Ira Sankey

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Surprised Me!

"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder."
Charles Morgan
 I stopped to snap the little fellow on the right one morning, but this older fellow (or so I thought) on the left was more interested in me.
He came over and wanted my full attention.
I kept telling him I wanted to take pictures of the little guy. So he sure showed me! He turned and walked over to his Momma, whispered in her ear, "she doesn't think I'm little. Let's show her . . ."

. . . and started nursing. He sure showed me. He's still a little fellow after all.
And then there's not so pleasant surprises like our resident bear who visited out deck and enjoyed sunflower seeds.
And now a little hope . . . 
"And now, Lord, What do I wait for? My hope is in You." Psalm 39:7
"Biblical hope means confidence in the future. It's a confidence born of faith. Faith, hope and love go together (1 Cor. 13). When we have faith in God, we claim His promises, and they give us hope for the future. Hope for the Christian is not a feeling of' 'I hope it's going to happen.' It's exciting expectancy because God controls the future. When Jesus Christ is your Savior and your Lord, the future is your friend. You don't have to worry . . . We live on hope; it springs eternal in the human breast. But it's more than a feeling down inside; it's a confidence that God is in control, and we have nothing to fear . . . What is the basis for hope? It is the character of God . . . You can have joy, confidence, encouragement, and excitement today if you will remember that you have a living hope."                                                                                                                                   Warren Wiersbe, Prayer, Praise & Promises, April 8

And my favorite little donkey of all, Eeyore.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What Shall I Do?

The lovely bloom of the Magnolia. 
 Most of us are familiar with the gospel song "I Must Tell Jesus." I enjoyed reading how this song came to be written.
Pastor Elisa Hoffman, author and composer of more than 2,000 gospel songs, gives the following account of the writing of this well-loved hymn:

“During a pastorate in Lebanon, PA, there was a woman to whom God permitted many visitations of sorrow and affliction. Coming to her home one day, I found her much discouraged. She unburdened her heart, concluding with the question, ‘Brother Hoffman, what shall I do? What shall I do?’ I quoted from the Word, then added, ‘You cannot do better than to take all of your sorrows to Jesus. You must tell Jesus.’

“For a moment she seemed lost in mediation. Then her eyes lighted as she exclaimed, ‘Yes, I must tell Jesus.’

“As I left her home I had a vision of that joy-illuminated face . . . and I heard all along my pathway the echo, ‘I must tell Jesus . . . I must tell Jesus.’

“Pastor Hoffman quickly wrote the words and soon completed the music as well.”                                                                                                                                                                Amazing Grace, Kenneth W. Osbeck, March 18

The beauty of a full Magnolia tree!

You know the words: 

“I must tell Jesus all of my trials; I cannot bear these burdens alone: In my distress He kindly will help me; He ever loves and cares for His own."


“I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.”

Words and Music by Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929

An early snow caught my blooms in white.
I need to remember to do this. I just forget sometimes to call on His Name. When I do, some how miraculously, He brings light to my mind and heart and I'm able to cope better. I've told the Person who can make the greatest difference.
I really enjoy reading the inspiration behind a song, a verse or a story. It ignites imagination in our own minds and helps us capture moments that may encourage another.
You can listen to it here:
These are the other verses:
"I must tell Jesus all of my troubles
He is a king, compassionate friend
If I but ask Him, He will deliver
Make of my troubles quickly an end
Tempted and tried, I need a great Savior
One who can help my burdens to bear
I must tell Jesus, I must telL Jesus
He all my cares and sorrows will share
O, how the world to evil allures me
O, how my heart is tempted to sin
I must tell Jesus and He will help me
Over the world the victory to win."

A beauty to see!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...