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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

First Gleam of Dawn

A lovely soft early morning snap.
"The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines brighter until the full light of day."
Proverbs 4:18

A more dramatic early morning snap.

I bought a new devotion book for this year. I read several as I go through the year, and some I've read four and five years in a row. Like Streams in The Desert, volume 1, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. I was a new Christian when an older lady gave this book to me and I read it through for four or five years. Look Unto Me: The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon by Jim Reimann is one I've read through several years too. Spurgeon has such rich devotions.

 Of course, my devotion books are always after I read in the Bible. Nothing replaces that. But I find many words in devotion books that speak to my heart and help me understand verses in the Bible. It's also where I find many ideas for my blog posts.

The new book I bought for this year is The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional by Debbi Bryson. It's a study through the Book of Proverbs. Two yeas ago I bought Warren Wiersbe's Prayer, Praise & Promises teaching through Psalms. I've enjoyed Wiersbe's book very much. Bryson's book through Proverbs sounded good, and I've enjoyed it so far.


That's where I found this recent study called "We Must Shine." I'm fortunate to be an early riser and that drew me to her point of "the first gleam of dawn." I do my best work first thing. On my early morning fawn spotting ventures, I always see first light.

Bryson wrote: "the first gleam of dawn . . . there is something about it that makes you feel like you're witnessing a secret, almost holy moment . . . once the light comes, nothing can stop it . . . And so we must shine. We must shine like the lighthouse set high on the rock of God's Word, the rock of truth, the rock of safety. We must shine."

I've stopped many times and thanked God for the amazing sunrise. Bryson's point is that we must shine too!

If you're a night person I encourage you to watch the sunset. May the light of God shine in you as darkness descends. There is beauty as the darkness slowly covers the land.

And the sun sets on a lovely day.

"It is time for the people of God to stoke the fires of their love for God and their passion to make a difference in this world . . . He can use our lives like 'the first gleam of dawn.'" Bryson wrote.

The first gleam of dawn. My countdown has already begun for my early morning drives to spot young fawn. I think I"ll be looking at that sunrise with a new light in my mind!


1 comment:

  1. I love my Wisdom for Women Devotional.
    Love sunrises snd sunsets. God paints beautiful landscapes. ❤️


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