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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A Museum of Faith?

A lovely scene I passed by many times while out taking pictures. One of my favorites!
I'm finding things to encourage me each day, keeping focus on what's important and what's true. A recent devotion I read prompted me to write this post. 
Good titles always capture my attention, and I was curious about this one: Faithfulness on Display. It is the title of a devotion I recently read by David Jeremiah. What is he talking about?

The Scripture verse he cited is in Isaiah, chapter 25, verse 1:

"Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect
faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago."
As it turned out, Jeremiah spoke about Hall of Fame Museums and memorabilia on display of great players and artifacts representing specific moments in history. 
His main question was: "What would you display in a museum of God's faithfulness in your life?"  An excellent thing to consider! What wonderful things has God done in your life. 

Most of my readers are older, mature Christians which means they have many things to consider when thinking of God's faithfulness to them. I think it's something we all need to reflect on if for no other reasons than to encourage our hearts and be prepared to tell a younger generation of His works.

Jeremiah suggested that many might talk about family reunions, a wedding dress, first home, Sunday School teacher, treasured seashell from a family vacation. 
A side road I drove past often for its beauty every season.
What would you consider when thinking of God's faithfulness in your life? My first thoughts turned to these moments.

As a young girl looking for my first job before my senior years in high school, I applied at a Five and Dime store. Unbeknownst to me, a close friend interceded for me and got me an interview at the local telephone company. I was hired and began a 21 year career. It was during this time that an older co-worker, who had taken an interest in me, told me these words: "Carol, I think you'll find what you're looking for if you go to church."

I did. I found Christ. I'm thankful for her witnessing to me. Now that's God's faithfulness to me.
A friend interceded for me a second time after I took an early retirement from the telephone company, and I found myself working in the office of my home church, where I was first saved and began my journey of faith.
When I was first saved I remember walking past the church office and thinking, "I'll never be able to work there because I've been divorced." God opened a door and told me that I was good enough to work in His office.

Working in that church office brought me the opportunity to work at the Baptist Convention where God brought many fine Christians into my world, and I learned so much about walking with Christ.

Those are three memories I have of God's faithfulness to me as I walked my way through life. I don't believe any of them would have happened if it wasn't for interested friends who interceded for me and helped me grow as an adult and Christian.

There are zillion smaller moments that I remember of God's faithfulness to me. I want to remember all I can so that my heart will always be encouraged and strengthened as I face each new day.

Snow, there's still time this winter to give me another scene like this one!

What has God done for you? What would you're museum of God's faithfulness have in it? It's worth thinking about.

Jeremiah said: "God has done wonderful things in our life, things He planned for us before we were even born." (Psalm 139:16)  He's still working so stay alert and ponder all your special moments!
"Think back a short time to the best memories of your life, and although everything may appear dark right now, illumine the lamps of the past. They will glisten through the darkness, and then you will trust in the Lord while you watch a new day dawn and see the shadows of night vanish."
Charles Spurgeon

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Searching the past is like going through a treasure trove. Some memories are more valued than others but they comprise that which can't be had in any other way.


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