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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Calm and Serene

"Growing older only means the spirit grows serene,
and we behold things with our souls that our eyes have never seen."
Helen Steiner Rice 

Now this is a place I'd enjoy sitting as fall flaunts it's beauty!

Calm and serene? I dare say not very many of us feel calm and serene right now. With all that has happened in our country this year, and a major election only a week away, calm and serene is scarce.

But that poem caught my attention one morning last week, and I've been pondering it and the accompanying Scripture verse (below) ever since:
"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come." Psalm 71:18 
The words came from the One Minute Devotion book, From the Heart, which shares excerpts from the poems of Helen Steiner Rice and an appropriate Scripture verse. She was popular when I was younger, and I have several of her books of poems. Simple, touching, relevant and heart changing, Steiner's poems were a joy to read.

I can be called older at this point, with hair of gray. Am I serene through the difficulties of this year? Do I want to tell the next generation about God's might?
"If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old."  
James A. Garfield, 1831-1881

A delightful leaf covered path through the woods.
It's so easy to get riled up inside and afraid, but I can honestly say it's just as easy to be serene because of the faith that's in my heart. And, yes, as I grow older my spirit has become serene. It's hard to explain how you can be calm and serene when discord is all around you. But it is true. A miraculous gift from a loving God.
"Spiritually, we never grow old; through the passing of the years we grow so many years young. The characteristic of the spiritual life is its un-aging youth, exactly the opposite of the natural life." 
 Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917
And one of the reasons I write my thoughts on this blog is to  share the God I love, serve and live for. I know what it's like to be encouraged during difficult times. I do want to share of my faithful God and turn hearts to Him.
I love driving down the road and seeing woods filled with bright yellow.
The practical application for the given devotion reads: "Today appreciate those who are older. Value their advice. Seek their companionship." 
I'm going to do just that. Last week while delivering meals for our church, an older woman said to me: "Come visit some time." I've written on my heart to make that visit this week.
"In old age faith seems to be the most marvelous possession anyone can have." 
Malcolm Muggeridge, 1903-1990
Look at that color! It really was this bright!

Calm and serene. It is possible to enjoy these characteristics in times of difficulties. Because of the truth of God's Word we know He is in control of all things, even my little life.
"Spiritual maturity: the quiet confidence that God is in control." 
Charles Swindoll, 1934- 

Love the reds!

Whether you're older or younger or in the middle, do your best to be calm and serene during the difficult days. God promises to see you through!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Brocade Curtains

This beautiful tree and the next picture were in a back yard not far from home. They both were stunning. It was a bright, sunny fall afternoon and the sky was a lovely shade of blue with white clouds. I love big, beautiful, healthy trees both in the spring and fall.
What is Love? "Brocade curtains . . . boots Ingrid's father wore, and an engagement ring."
I don't watch much TV anymore, rarely a new series or show, which is a good thing I suppose. I'd rather read or watch DVDs of my own choosing for my entertainment. But a number of years ago, there was one television series that I loved to watch: Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Maybe it was the romance of life on the frontier that drew me to it. Whatever it was, I watched faithfully from its beginning in 1993 to the last show in 1998.

A few years ago, as a gift to myself, I purchased the complete series, and I've enjoying the shows since then. I watched the shows again this year. Thankfully, Jerry liked the show too so he watches with me.

You can just see the small covered bridge on the other side of the tree. What beauty!

The other night we watched the episode "What is Love?" as the cast prepared to perform Romeo and Juliet. Brian, the young boy, was writing an essay about love, and as the show ended his essay declared "brocade curtains, boots Ingrid's father wore and an engagement ring" was love.

But Jerry topped this saying: "Love is trying to explain ice cream to someone who's never tasted it." It brought fun laughter to my face--we love ice cream! A little while after, the thought came to me: "how do you explain faith to someone who doesn't believe."

One of my thoughts is: "believing when you can't see, yet knowing in your heart it is true." Following are words from faithful men and women:

"Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but taking God at His Word." Arthur Benoni Evans, 1781-1854.

"Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you cannot understand at the time." Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917.

A peaceful scene indeed!

"Faith is not anti-intellectual. It is an act of man that reaches beyond the limits of our five senses." Bill Graham

"Faith is knowing something is true, but you can't prove it, and you prove faith by the way you live your life and treat others in Jesus name." Jerry
"Faith means being grasped by a power that is greater than we are, a power that shakes us and turns us, and transforms and heals us. Surrender to this power is faith." Paul Johannes Oskar Tillich, 1886-1965
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." Corrie Ten Boom, 1892-1983
All this because of trying to explain love. I can certainly identify with this description: "Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time." Anonymous

Even an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman can trigger my mind to greater topics. Faith. How do you describe it?

This is another lovely tree I saw in a backyard. When I asked permission to take pictures the lady said: "I just took pictures of it yesterday."

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Little of This and That


I so enjoyed walking in the wildflower field the other morning. I've always loved wildflower fields and wanted one at our home in Maryland. That never got done. I'm hoping to make it happen here in PA. This is a picture I like because Jerry's smiling. He doesn't do that very often when his picture is taken. This is the best one taken in several years.

The other morning I had a very strong feeling of thanksgiving about my Bible. I've been reading from it for 40 years. I am just so thankful to have this great friend that tells me about God's Story through the ages and helps me every day as I try to live for Him. Make sure you have a Bible that you can understand and have a commentary or two when you need additional help.

"The Bible redirects my will, cleanses my emotions, enlightens my mind, and quickens my total being."
E. Stanley Jones, 1884-1973

If you have never read through the complete Bible from beginning to end I urge you to at least once. When I read through the Bible I would read one chapter in the Bible and the same chapter in a commentary. The additional help received made all the difference. It took me two years to complete reading all the way through and worth all the effort I made.

"It doesn't matter what you think about it, the Bible is true whether you accept it or not."
Billy Graham

Providentially cared for. We don't live on luck or fortune or circumstances. If we serve the living God we are providentially cared for at all times. God's care and protection are always on us and we can be assured that whatever happens to us is part of God's plan for our life. Yes, sometimes bad things happen and sometimes great things happen. But whatever it is we know it is in God's Hands and we can trust His care of us.

Last week we drove to Benezette, a little over an hour from here, to see the wild Elk. Well, we saw one. It was beside the road eating from this bush. It didn't want to have anything to do with us or anybody else on the road. We left and drove around for another hour or so and happen to pass the same location again. Well, that young Elk was still eating in the same spot. I think that bush was delicious!

Have you gone to your church to pray? Yes, you can pray at home, in nature, in your car and just about everywhere you want, but if you haven't experienced praying in the place where you worship all by yourself you are missing a great experience. Some churches are open all day; some at different hours, and some provide a time that you can come in by yourself.

It is a different experience when you sit in God's house and pray. You and God. Alone. Check out when your church is open and you can go in and sit in the sanctuary to pray. It's worth the effort!

 "Between the humble and contrite heart and the majesty of heaven, there are no barriers, the only password is prayer."
Hosea Ballou, 1771-1852

The other week we stopped at an overlook on our drive to the Veterans Home to deliver blankets. I loved this message displayed above the overlook.   

I have several books that share the stories of faithful Christians through the ages. I love reading about them and learning what they went through and how they succeeded. It brings such encouragement to my mind, and I am thankful that we have such an array of witnesses who lived for Christ to read about. It reminds me of a lovely hymn, Find Us Faithful, whose chorus goes like this:

"Oh may all who comes behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful."
Jon Mohr, 1987

What are you leaving behind? All we do tells our story and what we believe.Whether it's your children, your friends, your extended family, your church fellowship or the post man, leave behind the story that you were faithful to the God of the ages and succeeded in living for Him.
"Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2 
I didn't see any Hawk, but the overlook was nice to view.
"Wilfred Grenfell, a doctor in England, encountered Dwight L. Moody at one of his meetings back in the late 1800s. Moody inspired Grenfell to begin a long association with the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fisherman in Newfoundland. Fourteen years later Grenfell encountered Moody again and told him he had put his faith in Christ after attending one of his meetings. Moody replied: 'And what have you been doing with your life since?'"
A very good question. What have you been doing with your life since you came to faith in Christ?
"The service we render to others is really the rent we pay for our room on this earth."
Wilfred Grenfell, 1865-1940

This is one of the quilt pieces I created and finished in September.

And lastly, I met a new friend last week. She's a friend of our neighbor, Norma, and she is in the same art class as Norma. They've been friends since school days, and she paints just as beautifully as Norma does.

You may remember the beautiful fall scene Norma painted and gave to me recently. I created a card and bookmark from her painting. Norma took it to her art class and Rita loved it! I was invited to Rita's home to take pictures of some of her art work and make cards for her. As it turns out, Rita is a note writer too!

I'm having a lot of fun creating her cards and bookmarks. I think she's a kindred spirit. So you never know when you might meet someone new as you do what God has given you to do. So be ready in all you do because you just might meet a kindred spirit!

Love and Blessings Facebook Page


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Do You KnowThis Thrill?

 "Those who are readiest to trust God without other evidence than His Word always receive the greatest number of visible evidences of His love."
 C. G. Trumbull
We all have things that thrill out heart. My heart is thrilled when I spot a scene to photograph and get the snap; fall color, snow, gardens, baby animals. That always thrills my heart. Baby leaves thrill my heart. God tells me even when all looks dead in the cold winter there's still hope. Baby leaves will come in spring. I love baby leaves!

My heart was thrilled last week when I heard a new song. The song is titled: "Behold Him"written by Francesca Battistelli, and this lyric in the chorus is excellent: "Feel the thrill of Hope."

I'm a big endorser of God's Hope. I believe in it. I trust His Hope. And I know it is real.
"Hope, the balm and lifeblood of the soul." 
John Armstrong, 1709-1779

People who have not submitted their life to God, or His Son, Jesus Christ, have no idea what His Hope means or does to those who love Him. I can just imagine people saying: "The thrill of Hope? What does that mean?" When you haven't surrendered your heart to God, hope is truly a meaningless word.

"In your silent night When you're not alright
Lift your eyes and Behold Him
Feel the thrill of Hope You are not alone
In this moment Behold Him."

If you don't know God's Hope the casual use of the word hope has nothing to back it up. I hope this; I hope that. No assurance. No comfort. Nothing to believe in. 
It was a damp, gray day but the colors of fall still made a pretty snap!

God's Hope is miraculous. "He who breathes into our hearts the heavenly hope, will not deceive or fail us when we press forward to its realization." Selected, Streams in the Desert, Volume 1, March 26
 Hope to a believer brings complete calm to any and all situations. We know in our heart that God is able to do all things so we don't have a need to be unsure or afraid. If our hearts are true to God, the calm in our hearts is sufficient to make us strong and believe God is with us.
"Life with Christ is an endless hope, without him a hopeless end."
If you put God off and refuse to submit to Him you will never know the Hope He has for you. You will never feel the incredible refreshment in your heart of knowing you are safe in the Arms of God. You can't imagine what a blessing it is to your soul to be under the protected Arms of God and know you are cared for. It's difficult for me to tell you what you are missing.  
The thrill of Hope. What a treasure to the believer.  

"My hope comes from Him." Psalm62:5 
"What a privilege for a believer to be able to say these words! If he is looking for something from this world, it is indeed a poor 'hope.' But if he looks to God to supply his needs, whether they are earthly or spiritual needs, his 'hope' will not be in vain. He may continually make withdrawals from the bank of faith, getting his needs met from the riches of God's loving-kindness."
Charles Spurgeon


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...