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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Stirring of Fall

 "I love autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it."

Lee Maynard

 As the stirring of Fall starts touching early morning temperatures, it means my early morning drives to spot and snap fawn comes to an end. I so look forward each May to the refreshment I receive driving the roads at daybreak. Unless I forget when I start out, I begin with my "Melody of Hymns," my own special time of praise to God.

It's not just seeing fawn that I look forward too. It's driving the back roads, with barely a car being seen, and being refreshed by nature. It's my annual celebration of being alone with deer, turkey, rabbits, and the occasional bear.

And the stirring of Fall also means the flowers on my front porch and back deck will soon be gone as the cool temps comes in earnest. There will be no more sitting on the front porch as the day starts. The birds will soon hush their song as cold weather begins to make it's entrance.

"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch leaves turn."
Elizabeth Lawrence 

 Fall is a beautiful time of the year and has always been a favorite season of mine. Sweatshirts, falling leaves, fireplaces (which I miss like crazy now that we don't have one), Herb Stew and many other things delight me when Fall starts to arrive. My early morning drives turn into later morning drives as I look for Fall color to snap. There's just something wonderful of driving down a road bursting with orange, red and gold.

Since last Fall I've purchased a few pieces of fabric to make Fall pieces. I love my quilt shop! All that fabric just waiting there for me to choose the pieces I want. I purchased in sets of three and it will be fun to see what I decide to make with them.

Taking that bold step in joining the quilting group at my church was the best thing I could do when we moved here. It has given me hours and hours of delight, both sewing with the group and making personal items to keep and give away.

                   This is the fabric I decided to start with. I'm happy with the way it turned out!

So I'm heading into Fall with thankfulness for the summer delight I found and anticipation for the joy of Fall and all it has to offer! 

"Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale."

Lauren DeStefano

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