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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My Bayonet

"The purpose of the sword of the Spirit--the Bible--is to make us strong and able to withstand the evil onslaughts of Satan, our enemy."

A few weeks ago, Jerry and I watched the movie "Gettysburg" with Tom Berenger and Jeff Daniels. We watch it at least once a year. Daniels plays Chamberlain who ordered the bayonet charge on Little Round Top.

I always start shaking and tears form in my eyes when he let's out with the strong order "Charge!" It's quite a scene. On the other hand, I don't watch the final fight at the end of the movie.

Shortly after watching the movie a thought formed in my mind. As Christians, we have our own bayonet to fight with. The Sword of the Spirit is strong enough to handle any battle we're in. And right now, we are in a big battle for America and our freedom.

The Sword of the Spirit is found in Ephesians 6:17 and is the Word of God. There is no weapon stronger than God's Word and we're to arm ourselves with it. It is a weapon belonging to the Holy Spirit.

"The Word of God is even sharper than the Roman sword. It is capable of piercing to the deepest levels of one's heart and attitude, and it is also a tool of discernment in the hands of the skilled user."
Dave Johnson, Life Hope and Truth

Chamberlain's bayonet charge could only wound, kill or intimidate. God's sword, as Johnson said, pierces to the deepest levels of one's heart and attitude.

"Ofttimes the test of courage is to live rather than die."
Conte Vittorio Alfieri 1749-1803 

How well do you know God's Word? It goes hand in hand with the whole armor of God stated in Ephesians 6:14-18.

"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."

In Hebrews 4:12 it's said like this: "For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

I was listening to a study my pastor is doing online, and he quoted D. L. Moody. I think this sums it up quite well:

"What is an army good for if they don't know how to use their weapons."

Pick up your bayonet and be ready to fight as our country and the world try to wipe out Christianity. When God yells "Charge!" I want to be ready. Do you?

 The Sword of the Lord and Gideon

"Gideon, with three hundred soldiers, Once a mighty host withstood,
Camping in the Moreh Valley--An uncounted multitude.
But the Lord was helping Gideon, And his brave and trusting band,
Armed with trumpets, lamps and pitchers,
Went, obeying God's command."
"Blow thy trumpet, break thy pitcher,
Hold thy lamp within thy hand along the line;
Cry,'The sword of the Lord and Gideon.'
'The Sword of the Lord and Gideon,'
And the vict'ry shall be thine."
Author: Mrs. Frank A. Breck



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