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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Remember all the Benefits

"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."
Psalm 103:2

I like this snap as the sunrise was bringing some pink to the sky and the fog was enhancing the buck's antlers. 

Psalms 103 and 119 are favorites of mine. I tried to memorize Psalm 103 once, but I didn't get very far. I decided just to stick with my Melody of Hymns. I wouldn't dare try to memorize Psalm 119!

The other morning I read words by Charles Spurgeon regarding Psalm 103 and thought I'd share them with you. He encouraged that our own history is just as good as the saints of old.

"It is a delightful and profitable exercise to recognize the sovereign hand of God in the lives of the ancient saints of old, to observe His goodness in delivering them, His mercy in forgiving them, and His faithfulness in keeping His covenant with them," Spurgeon said.

Spurgeon continued: "Shouldn't we notice that our own history is at least as full of God's goodness, truth, faithfulness, and righteousness as any of the lives of the saint who have gone before us? . . . If we would only review our own lives, surely we would discover a number of blessed occasions that would refresh our faith and bring glory to God."

A sweet face at the tree line as I drove by.

I do enjoy reading about Christians through all ages of the world. They encourage, inspire, motivate and bring joy to my heart. Right now, in 2020, saints will be remembered for how they persevered through their lives and people will read about them through the ages if God tarries.

"Hasn't the same God who gave Solomon his 'heart's desire' listened to you and answered your requests?" Spurgeon said. " . . . Surely the goodness of God has been the same to us as to the saints of old."

God has blessed us and helped us as He has all His people through time.  Do you frequently consider what God has done for you? It is encouraging to reflect on my walk with God. His Hand has led me through countless experiences that have changed my life. I know you must have similar experiences.

There's still a few small fawn around, but I'm not finding very many.

Spurgeon ends his thoughts with these words: "Thus, may we weave His mercies into songs of worship. May we use the pure gold of thankfulness and the jewels of praise and fashion them into another crown for Jesus' head. May music as sweet and as stirring as that which came from David's harp flow from our soul while we praise the Lord whose 'love endures forever.'"

We're in perilous and desperate times. We stand to lose our country as we have known it from it's beginning. But we have hope. We have God's Hope. Our lives can change the lives of others. Let Christ work through you to help others know our hope. Let your life shine because of what God has done for you and in you.

Yes, our lives are just as valuable as the saints of old, because God is still working. He's working in you. He's working in me. Shine friend!  

 "Great saints have often been great sinners."
Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore

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