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Monday, July 6, 2020

People Need the Light

NOW is the watchword of the wise."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)

I found this lovely garden loaded with yellow and looking happy on one of my early morning drives.

Billy Graham shared these words many years ago.  In "light" of all that is happening in this country and the world, these words are needed today:

"We are holding a light. We are to let it shine! Though it may seem but a twinkling candle in a world of blackness, it is our business to let it shine. Light dispels darkness, and it attracts people in darkness to it.

"We are blowing a trumpet. In the din and noise of battle the sound of our little trumpet may seem to be lost, but we must keep sounding the alarm to those who are in danger.

This small raccoon was beside the road. His sibling was a few feet away

"We are kindling a fire. In this cold world full of hatred and selfishness our little blaze may seem to be unavailing, but we must keep our fire burning.

"We are striking with a hammer. The blows may seem only to jar our hands as we strike, but we are to keep on hammering. Amy Carmichael of India once asked a stone cutter which blow broke the stone. 'The first one and the last,' he replied, 'and every one in between.'

"We have bread for the hungry world. The people may seem to be so busy feeding on other things that they will not accept the Bread of Life, but we must keep on giving it, offering it to the souls of men.

Small Turkey poult or chicks were walking along the road.

"We have water for famishing people. We must keep standing and crying out, 'Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.' Sometimes they can't come and we must carry it to them.

"We must persevere. We must never give up. Keep using the Word!"
                                                                                                                             Billy Graham, Unto the Hills, July 1 devotion 

You are the light to all those around you. You are the example to everyone you know. You are the vehicle that others can see Christ. People need the light. Shine, believer. Shine bright!

"Lord, let me not live to be useless."
John Wesley (1703-1791) 

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