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Monday, July 1, 2019

On The Hunt

"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speaks to us every hour if we will only tune in."
George Washington Carver (c. 1864-1943) 
 Would you like to go for a ride with me this morning? All the snaps on this post were taken on my early morning drive today. Not my best work, but it was a fun morning anyhow.

As everyone surely knows by now, summer is fawn hunting month for me. All summer long I go out in the early morning to find fawn to take pictures of. I've been doing it for many years and never tire of the joy and thrill I experience seeing them.

My excitement truly doubled last year when I had my own fawn in our backyard. I took 900 snaps last summer. (I know, what was I thinking?) Last week we saw the first one for 2019, and we may have two sets of fawn to enjoy this year.

Why did they have to stand in front of the ugly shed with junk in it! The two little ones are still fairly small.

I had two favorite places to snap fawn in Maryland, and I miss them terribly. It's where I saw my first fawn nursing, and captured the smallest fawn I'd ever seen. Those are truly favorite snaps! I also found my first fawn lying down in the woods at that location.

It was slow going when we moved to PA. I soon realized finding fawn to snap, or any deer, was going to be harder. There is so much wooded land, and there are 50% less people and vehicles. So the deer arn't as use to being around people and they run quicker around here--too quick for me to snap. But I am getting a few snaps, with the help of my own backyard.

Can barely see the eyes on the little one, but it's there nonetheless.

June can be frustrating because fawn are still small, and mom keeps them hidden, so I don't see many. But when I do it's pure delight.

This morning when I left, July 1st, I had on earmuffs, gloves with finger tips open, and a winter scarf! It was in the 50's and riding around with both the driver and passenger windows down can get a little chilly.

You can just see the ears of the little one far right. Doesn't anyone mow around here?

There is very little traffic out that early in the morning so I virtually have the roads to myself. I drive these country roads 10 to 20 miles an hour so I have time to stop when I see a deer and try to get a snap off. A few vehicles are on the road then, and several times they stop to make sure I'm ok.

Although deer move fast, I'm amazed at how many I've been able to find that just watch me and don't run. The road I was on this morning gave me a number of opportunities to take a picture. I am so happy when this happens!

I did get a few snaps of the second fawn's face, but not quite clear enough to share.

I'm realizing that my snaps are not as sharp as they use to be. I may be getting a little shakier in keeping the camera still. Age does that to you. But I'd much rather blame it on the camera. It is suppose to focus after all.

Imagine driving along country roads in the early morning enveloped with God's creation. It's a special time for me. I try and forget everything and just enjoy nature as God created it.

I wonder what he was telling her?

"The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the Creator."
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

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