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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Always With You

 This is my friend's deck garden. Kathy has created deck gardens for a few years now and every year I love to imagine sitting on her deck in the early morning. She is a master creator of so many things. Thank you, Kathy, for always cheering my heart!

I love the first verse of the hymn "Still, Still With Thee." I've written it many times in notes to others for it gives a beautiful thought of waking up with Jesus:

"Still, still with Thee--when purple morning breaketh, when the bird wakest and the shadows flee; fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight, dawns the sweet consciousness--I am with Thee!"

The hymn was written by Harriet B. Stowe, 1812-1896. She is most known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin which had a strong influence against slavery just before the Civil War, but she wrote about 40 books during her lifetime.

She was inspired one morning while meditating on Psalm 139:17, 18:

"How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you."

For the 4th time I've had the joy of seeing a fawn lying down in the woods or on a field.. One time there were two under a tree on someone's lawn. There was a young buck and a doe lying near this one.

Morning is a lovely time to share with God, and I'm fortunate to be an early person. In the summer months I can sit out on the front porch and watch the day wake up. It's a lovely time, sitting in the quiet, being serenaded by the birds and watching the beauty of the sky as the sun awakens it.

"I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord; therefore, I obey your instructions." Psalm 110:55

If you're an evening person, I can just imagine sitting outside and watching the stars shine, and knowing God is there and all is well. To know rest is coming and you'll be protected by the One who is in control of all things.

"Never once since the world began Has the sun ever stopped his shining.
His face very often we could not see, And we grumbled at his inconstancy;
But the clouds were really to blame, not he, For, behind them, he was shining.
And so--behind life's darkest clouds God's love is always shining.
We veil it at times with our faithless fears, And darken our sight with our foolish tears.
But in time the atmosphere always clears, For His love is always shining."
John Oxenham, 1861-1941

Yes, God is with you all through the day, and isn't it a lovely thought.

 Another family I enjoyed while out and about last Saturday morning.

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