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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

There's Always a Light and a Laugh

"Lord, I'm at the end of all my resources.
Child, you're just at the beginning of Mine."
Ruth Harms Calkin (1918- )

 A lovely snap from the Facebook page Beautiful Soul. Photographer unknown

Recently I was introduced to two Facebook pages. One makes me laugh, and the other provides encouragement. I'll mention the encouragement page first.

Hope For The Broken-Hearted comes from the blog of Debbie Kay, Christian Author. Her words are written to open the avenue to God's Love to all those needing encouragement. She shares from personnel experience affirming that life goes on, even after deep, life altering losses.

Prayers are posted to bring you closer to God and help you see life through His Light. I've been loving the prayers she writes, and pass on this Facebook page and blog to any who needs encouragement or knows someone that does. Her Facebook page is: Hope for the Broken-Hearted, and her website is

Another lovely snap from Beautiful Soul

The second page that makes me laugh is The Mind of an Introvert. Being an extreme introvert, this page has provided me with fun and identity. Funny sayings and how introverts relate are what you'll find. If you are an introvert, or know one who is, you'll understand just where they're coming from as they live in this world.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the most popular personality tests, and I've taken several in my working career. Whenever I've taken one of these tests that describe where you are in the personality realm, I'm always at the farthest end of the introvert chart. It's so nice to know I'm not alone.

"Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity."
Charles R. Swindoll (1934- ) 

Since I don't watch television and don't read a daily paper, most of my newsworthy information comes from the headlines I see on Facebook. And I scim through those very fast. There are a few personal friends that help keep me informed of what's happening in the world.

I zip through my timeline quickly, passing all the junk and stopping at trusted informers. I love the animal and photography pages, and love to see pictures and videos of things I will never have the chance to see in my lifetime.

And, one more.
Check out the two pages I mentioned, especially if you're an introvert or you need encouragement. There are some worthwhile things on Facebook. You just have to be very careful and picky at what you follow!

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