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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

He Works For Me and You

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1822)

I was reminded once again that God is able and willing to care for our needs, if we'll only let Him!

It is so easy to hold onto heartbreak, sadness and out of control situations. The May 22 devotion in Streams of the Desert reminded me that I don't have to carry these burdens around, I can turn them over to God.

From Young's Commentary: "He worketh." Psalm 37:5  Sometimes we have to be reminded of that. "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass" also translated: "Roll upon Jehovah thy way; trust upon him: and he worketh.

"It calls our attention to the immediate action of God when we truly commit, or roll out of our hands into His, the burden of whatever kind it may be."

He worketh. When? Now. It is out of our reach. We are not trying to do it anymore. He worketh.

From Havergal: "He shall perform the cause which I have in hand."

Spurgeon: "Whatever He takes in hand He will accomplish; hence past mercies are guarantees for the future and admirable reasons for continuing to cry unto Him."

So once again I have "rolled upon God" the issues that bring me down. I will do my very best to leave them in His capable Hands. I know my days will be easier because He worketh!

And for all my friends who are the arms of God in my life . . .

Sheltering Tree

It's been said a friend is like a mighty sheltering tree
A place of refuge we can run when trouble comes for you and me
Someone we can count on through the thick and thin
When the storms of life are blowing, there's just nothing like a friend

We all need sheltering trees
Friends in our lives who'll get down on their knees
And lift us up before the King of Kings
We all need sheltering trees

There've been days that I was sure that I couldn't make it through
Clouds of doubt came rolling in and I didn't know what I would do
I would've given in and said I just can't go on
If it hadn't been for a friend that helped me to be strong
We all need sheltering trees
Friends in our lives who'll get down on their knees
And lift us up before the King of Kings
We all need sheltering trees

You can face the highest mountain and the climb won't feel so high
Or cross the darkest valley and it won't seem so wide
Nothing is impossible when a friend is by your side 


Writers" Ernest Leonard Alhstrom and John E. Carswell
Song by Newsong

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