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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Reading to the End

"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)  
26th President of the United States

Have you read the Bible from beginning to end? All the way through. Not skipping around. Not skimming over pages. All the way to the end.

That's what I did back in 1989. Thirty years ago. I wanted to do something momentous. And that was momentous!

I decided I'd read one chapter in the Bible and the same chapter in a commentary. I knew some of those Old Testament books would need explaining if I was going to understand. It was a simple commentary I used, understandable to common folk. But it made all the difference for me.

"I am sorry for men who do not read the Bible every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and the pleasure."
Woodward Wilson (1856-1924) 
28th President of the United States 

It took me two years and four months from start to finish. I had no time table. Rushing through wasn't a goal. I had been saved eleven years when I started, and because of the teaching of my home church pastor, and studies I was a part of, I had a fairly good understanding of God's Word.

What did I learn? The flow and focus of the Old Testament sharpened my knowledge and my understanding of Israel. The humanness of the books and God's hand in the stories broadened my appreciation of the history of my faith.

Although I was more familiar with the New Testament books, using the commentary broadened my understanding of each book which made them come alive.  And the flow of the books deepened my understanding of how they connected.

 "The Bible redirects my will, cleanses my emotions, enlightens my mind, and quickens my total being."
E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973)
American 20th century Methodist Christian missionary and theologian

It numbers in the top ten of the best things I've done in my life.

Have you read the Bible from beginning to end? I challenge you to do it. In March, I turn 70. Maybe I should take the challenge again!

"The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one that makes you think. No other book in the world equals the Bible for that."
James McCosh (1811-1894)
President of Princeton University 

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