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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Believe It or Not

"Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:23

We've all heard the phrase "Believe it or not" and have probably used it sometime in our life when a situation didn't seem possible.

You've heard of Ripley's Believe it or Not, an American franchise that deals with bizarre events. And Believe it or Not is the theme song for The Greatest America Hero television show in 1981. One definition I found is: "a set phrase used before a statement that may seem shocking."

But this morning I found a meaning that speaks to me and helps me in all I do. I was reading in "Rest Assured" by Nancy McGuire, and I like her definition of "Believe it or not." "Whatever the circumstance or no matter how far you have gone astray, God wants to give you great faith--believe it or not."

Nancy wrote: "Help me overcome my unbelief. Give me greater faith and patience and endurance. Help me to keep my eyes on You until this situation is resolved in one way or another. I know that nothing is impossible for You, and everything is possible for the one who believes. And I believe, Lord!"

 There are circumstances which my faith have faltered on, wondering if it will ever be ok. Will my prayer ever be answered? Will I ever have joy in a situation? Why, God? Why?

But as the scripture verses says at the beginning of this post: "Everything is possible for him who believes." Let go of your worry, or anger, or disappointment and let God handle the issue. He can meet every need. Whatever the circumstances, God wants to give you greater faith--believe it or now.

"If all things are possible with God, then all things are possible to him who believes in Him."
Corrie Ten Boom (1892-1983)

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