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Monday, December 17, 2018

All I Need

 I found this on Country Born's Facebook page and loved the simplicity of it; the peacefulness and calm. And although it's a cold winter night, it looks inviting and warm.

"I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing.'" Psalm 16:2

The following words come from the book "Voices of the Faithful." The book was written by Christians serving around the world. This story reminded me of my first Christmas in Brookville, when Christmas decorations were still packed, friends and family were not close, and I felt alone in a new land.

"In February 2002, my family was called to serve as missionaries in the Caribbean region. Except for clothing and some sentimental items, we sold most everything that belonged to us. This included the majority of our Christmas decorations, some of which we'd had most of my life. When our first Christmas on the field came, it was more difficult to be in the "Christmas spirit" because the familiar Christmas decorations were not displayed. The weather wasn't cold, and we definitely don't get snow. On top of that, we had no special friends or family to share the joy of the season.

"As I sought the Lord, I expected to hear something new about the circumstances surrounding the Christmas story. Instead, what I was shown was the actual heart of Christmas, which in turn changed my own heart. It occurred to me that while all these things symbolize Christmas, all of these things are not Christmas. I learned that Jesus is enough. Jesus is Christmas. When all the stuff--the lights, gifts, trees, food and even friends--was taken away, it came down to Jesus. He is the only reason to be celebrating. I learned that everything I need for Christmas and for my life, is found in Jesus. Apart from Him, 'I have no good thing.'"    Sarah, Middle America and the Caribbean

My friend, Kathy, always has a lovely Christmas window scene with beautiful glass. This one was from a few years ago.

This third Christmas in Brookville my decorations have been unpacked and are brightening our home. I have a new church family, friendly acquaintances, and I'm familiar with my surroundings. And it definitely is cold here! But this one fact remains: Jesus is enough. Jesus is Christmas.

So wherever you are this Christmas; whoever you're friends are, and whether your family is far away or close by; whatever decorations you have to brighten your home, Jesus is all you need. He is faithful. He is loving. He is alive within you. Christmas is in your heart.

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