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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Delightful Time

 An early Christmas, with Emma on the couch. Her muzzle was greying. She was a delightful dog!

Christmas was a quiet day in our home, with just Jerry and me to celebrate. We're use to that, being people who need solitude and quiet, and getting older only emphasizes that. God gave me something special this year so the quiet day of contemplation would make me smile.

Christmas Eve a thought caused me to find a journal I started in 2004. My friend, Paula, gave it to me for my 55th birthday, and I decided to write quotes and stories in it that encouraged my heart and made me smile.

Me, in younger years, with Cha Cha, my Mom's poodle. Sandy, also in younger years, with Cissy.

I started reading in it Christmas Eve and continued reading Christmas day. Reading through my entries brought happy memories, encouragement, inspiration, and laughing. I want to share some of them with you. The pictures are ones taped into the journal.

"Can't be alone with chocolate." Nestle Chocolatier

"The best things in life move slowly. They can hardly overtake one who is in a hurry. We are making haste to ill purpose if we 'haven't time' to read good books, to think quietly, to visit our friends, to comfort the sick and sorrowing, to enjoy the beautiful creations of God and man, and to lend a hand to a struggling brother. Time is precious, but more precious then fleeting hours are truth, love, benevolence, friendship, service, a serene mind and a happy heart, for these are the essence of life itself." Gilbert Hay, "Serenity Is"

"How beautiful it is to do nothing and rest afterwards."

 "If some bit of gossip come,  File the thing away.
If a scandalous, spicy crumb, File the thing away.
If suspicion comes to you That your neighbor is not true
Let me tell you what to do--File the thing away.
Do this for a little while, Then go out and burn the file."
Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert 2

"Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing." Robert Benchley

"A healthy perspective on household chores includes determining your maximum acceptable dirt level."

In richer days I made my own postage stamp with my "NOTE" worthy bird!

"A life may be very lovely and yet be insignificant in the world's eyes. A beautiful life is one that fulfills its mission in this world, that is, what God made it to be, and does what God made it to do . . . But the smallest life that fills its place well is far lovelier in God's sight than the largest and most splendidly gifted--yet fails its divine mission." Mrs. Charles E Cowman, Streams in the Desert 2

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference." Eeyore

"I have only made this [letter] longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter."
Blaise Pascal (1623-62)

Wishful thinking

"Few are needed to do the out-of-the-way tasks which startle the world, and one may be most useful just doing commonplace duties, and leaving the issue with God. And when it is all over, and our feet will run no more, and our hands are helpless, and we have scarcely strength to murmur a last prayer, then we shall see that, instead of needing a larger field, we have left untilled many corners of our single acre, and that none of it is fit for our Master's eye were it not for the softening shadow of the cross." George MacDonald

"Sticks and stones may break my bones . . ." but words will squeeze the very heartbeat from my heart, the breath from my soul, the lift from my walk, the twinkle from my eyes, and the hope from my day; please throw sticks and stones."

"He could watch cattle, which was very important for older people, and a good hobby for older men." The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith

"Make a tape of yourself laughing and then play it when you feel sad."

A Lang note card. Yum Yum!

"There's one thing for which you should be thankful--only you and God have all the facts about yourself."

"The riches gifts we can bestow are the least marketable." Henry David Thoreau

"Always serve too much hot fudge sauce on hot fudge sundaes. It makes people overjoyed and puts them in your debt." Judtih Olney

"If I could walk but one single mile, I'd walk to the home of a friend." Kerry Boone

"Our hearts are restless, O God, until they find their rest in thee." Saint Augustine

I hope you enjoyed these sayings and that some made you laugh. I need to dig up some more of my journals and read through them. This has brought back some enjoyable memories.

May the rest of this Christmas celebration week bring happiness, joy and love to your heart! And may Jesus become the true meaning of your life.

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