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Monday, July 9, 2018


"One of the marks of spiritual maturity is the quiet confidence that God is in control . . . without the need to understand why he does what he does."
Charles R. Swindoll (1934 - )

  My opportunities to snap fawn are not as easy as they were in Maryland. With all the woods and forest in the surrounding area, they can run quickly for cover before I'm able to get a snap off!

I did manage to get a few snaps last year, and only two so far this year. So I went on a journey through my digital photograph albums so I could enjoy the thrill of seeing a fawn. I'll share some of them through this post.

Last week I brought up several books from the basement that I hadn't read in years. This week I've been reading in "Something Beautiful: The Stories Behind a Half-Century of the Songs of Bill and Gloria Gaither."

It's been a good read. I like to know the stories behind songs and pictures--what prompted someone to write those words or snap that shot. What memories do they bring to the one who created the music or took the picture.

There are many songs included in this book that I've never heard before. When you write 1,000 songs over your lifetime, I guess all of them can't be hits.

This morning the song's title was "Through," and Gloria shared that it's the one word they hear over and over again. "The songs got me through." I liked the lyrics and want to share them with you.

"Through the fire, through the flood, Through the water, through the blood,
Through the dry and barren places, Through life's dense and maddening mazes,
Through the pain and through the glory, Through will always tell the story,
Of a God whose power and mercy Will not fail to take us through.

"When I saw what lay before me, 'Lord,' I cried, 'what will you do?
I thought He would just remove it, But He gently led me through.

"Without fire, there's no refining, Without pain there's no relief.
Without flood there's no rescue; Without testing, no belief.

I know He could part the waters, At His voice a mountain move;
But His love would crowd me to him---Through my need His presence proved.

Come, my child, I'll take you through it; When you faint, I'll carry you.
Cast on me your fear and weakness--Trust my heart; I'll take you through." 

I've been through many mountains, and I'm sure you have too. I can gladly say, "He took me through." I would have gladly run from the burden; turn my back on it, and step away. But that
 doesn't accomplish anything, except leave me with bad memories.

Every one of us has to walk through our own mountain(s). And there are usually many in the course of your life. I'm glad I know the One who walks through them with me. He promises "He'll take me through!" That's one promise that has helped me numerous times.

"I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light."
Mary Gardiner Brainard (c. 1860) 

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