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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hope Matters

 One of the twin fawn that come to our backyard each evening.  Not as sharp as I'd like, but I like the picture.

"Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life in fear; rather look to them with full hope that, as they arise, God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. He is your Keeper. He has kept you hitherto. Hold fast to his dear hand, and he will lead you safely through all things; and, when you cannot stand, he will bear you in his arms. Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. Our Father will either shield you from suffering, or he will give you strength to bear it."
Saint Francis of Sales (1567-1622)
I enjoy reading biographies of famous people from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Learning about the choices others have made can be inspiring and encouraging.

I read three biographies last week about people who fell from grace. Two overcame with God's help, and the third did not recover from bad choices before his death.

The three men are well known in this age in Christian circles. All three had difficult and disadvantaged childhoods. Let me tell you about them.

Billion Dollar Painter: The Triumph and Tragedy of Thomas Kinkade. A friend and co-worker of Thomas Kinkade wrote the amazing story of Kinkade's beginning. G. Eric Kuskey worked for Kinkade for 14 years, and regarded him as a close and dear friend. Kuskey was kind and truthful of Kinkade's rise to fame and his fall which led to his death.

I found it very interesting as he described Kinkade's two closest friends and business partners and the intriguing and competitive friendship between the three of them. Kinkade's art wasn't accepted in the world of art, and it played a major role in his demised.

I enjoy Kinkade's art and have a painting hanging in our living room. One of his books, Lightposts for Living is a favorite of mind where he shares about living in the light of God's love.

I'm glad I read this story even though Kinkade was unable to overcome his fall from grace. It is a thoughtful and favorable story.

The second book I read is by Michael English, Christian singer well known from the Gaither Vocal Band. The Prodigal Comes Home: My Story of Failure and God's Story of Redemption. I've never been a big fan of Michel English but decided to read his book anyway. The depth of his failures were  great, but God restored him and uses him to reach others for Christ through his brokenness.

I have to admire someone who fell from grace before every eye in the Christian community and was transformed and accepted back into the family of God. His road to redemption was long and filled with wrong choices. But he didn't give up and shared his story to help others. I don't think I have the guts to share my story for the whole world to know. But I believe stories like his can be great encouragement for those with similar burdens.

Rory Feek, of the famous duo Joey and Rory, shares his life in This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary life and the Woman Who Changed it Forever. This is another Christian artist who is well known for his music, writing and storytelling. His wife, Joey, died of cancer. The first half of his book shares his first 35 years of life and the choices he made. The second half shares of his life with Joey and how he continues to live each day with God's help.

It is inspiring to know God reaches to all people, through all of the wrecks and messes in their life, and transforms them with His grace. I was surprised and inspired with his story. His blog is:

All three stories gave me opportunity to pause and think about my own life and the choices I've made through the years. It reminds me that all it takes is one bad choice to turn your life in a wrong direction and fall from God's grace. But a wrong choice can be redeemed. And God offers you that redemption at every turn.

"I like to remember this Scripture verse: "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed . . ." Romans 4:18  That same hope is there for every Christian believer.

Our lives are filled with ups and downs. Heartbreak and happiness. Joy and sadness. And there is one who never gives up on us. He's always ready to turn our lives around. Always loves us. If nothing else, these three books reminded me that the hope I have in Christ is able to redeem me from my human weakness and change my life to one of good and right.

I think I'll read a good fiction book now.

"A man must completely despair of himself in order to become fit to obtain the grace of Christ."
Martin Luther (1483-1546)

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