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Monday, February 5, 2018

Do You Remember the Day?

 As a snow lover, this picture made out of wool drew me in. The beauty and sparkle of snow is amazing. I love to wake up to freshly fallen snow. I found this last November during the Gingerbread Tour here in Jefferson County.

"My soul was so full of joy I wanted to tell every snowflake falling from heaven of the wondrous love of Jesus . . ." Charles Spurgeon

Yes, Charles Spurgeon gave me thought once again about a special day in my life. The day I chose Jesus. Following is portions of his words on his special day:

"Dear believer, do you remember the day your shackles fell away? Do you recall the place where Jesus met you and said, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love?' . . . Oh, what a sweet day it is when Jesus takes away the pain of sin! When the Lord first pardoned my sin, I was so joyful, I could barely refrain from dancing."

I remember that day. I was 28, a single parent, and no reason to live. I told God: "If you are really there, and there's a reason I should go on, please show me." Shortly after that a friend told me I might find what I was looking for at church.

So I entered a church one Sunday morning, and a few weeks later gave my life to Christ during a revival. I walked down that aisle holding hands with Sandy. I made the choice to be saved.

Walking home that evening I said to God: "I'm not sure what I've done, but I believe it is the right thing. Help me see your way." And He did.

That was a giant step for a shy, sheltered and extreme introvert to get up out of her seat and walk down the aisle of a church. God saw me in His likeness and drew me to Him despite my sinful life. He washed me white as snow.

Billy Graham told a story of a Christian man whose un-Christian friend came to him and asked: "If I get born again, will all of my problems go away?" "No," said the man, "but you will have the power to deal with them." And you will. I have.

As you who have given your life for Christ know, life is no picnic. We're going to hurt just as much as anyone else; we're going to be sad just as much as anyone else, and we're going to cry just as much as anyone else. Those are the facts.

But down deep inside there is a hope that lives in you and generates the power to get through. When you can't pray, the Holy Spirit prays for you. When you can't sing, I believe the angels sing your song, and when you can't find your way, Jesus guides your steps. It's beyond your imagination to understand how He does it, but it is as real as me sitting here typing to you.

Am I just a weak person? You hear so often "you just need a crutch. You're weak." Yes, I am weak, but when presidents, CEOs, orchestra conductors, policemen and women and everyday people confess to being a Christian believer, I find myself in very comfortable shoes!

Do you remember that day? It was one of the most important days of my life. I am fortunate to remember the exact date, November 14, 1978. I celebrate this anniversary every year. This coming November I will celebrate 40 years of living a life dedicated to God. Now that's something to remember! And I have snowflakes here to tell!

One of my favorite snow pictures! I was at the sheep farm where I take a lot of snaps of lamb. The snow was heavy and the sheep were under cover. Just a happy moment for me!

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