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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Proud Or Not?

 This little bird was sitting in the snow on the deck railing. He looked content and happy. I just had to take a picture of him!

"Don't be proud. Although you may have a large spiritual estate--a wide domain of grace--you don't have even a single thing to call your own--except sin and misery." Charles Spurgeon

The above statement stopped me as I was reading in the devotion book Look Unto Me of devotions by Charles Spurgeon. I'd never thought about the knowledge and truth that I have obtained through the years as something to be proud of. As most of my friends are in their later years now, we should all have obtained a "large spiritual estate and a wide domain of grace" through the years of following Jesus.

I'm thankful for all I have learned, all I have experienced, all I know about Jesus and the Christian faith. It actually thrills my soul to be assured of what I know from God's Word and how it affects my daily life. But being proud?

The text of the devotion was from Ezekiel, verse 15:2, that speaks of "the wood of a vine better than that of a branch on any of the trees in the forest." Spurgeon said the words were meant to humble God's people.  "Only through God's goodness have they become fruitful, having been replanted in good soil."

No matter how much more we may know of the Bible, the Christian faith or living for Christ then someone else, "Your life dies without the fresh streams of life flowing from Jesus," Spurgeon said.

Proud? I don't think so. All we, as Christians, have to boast about, is the Lord.

Spring came to my home early this year in the form of my newest quilt project. I had purchased several different bundles of fabric back in August, and the spring fabric I hadn't used yet. So January seemed an ideal time to get it out and make something.

I love the blues and yellow together. Spring sprung early for me! I may love snow, but the wonders of spring cheer me on through the cold winter months.

So . . . just remember when you're prone to boast for any reason, the only reason you have to boast is the Lord. As the old song goes: "I'm just an old sinner saved by grace!"

Sinner Saved by Grace
by Bill and Gloria Gaither and Mitch Humphries

If you could see What I once was If you could go with me Back to where I started from
Then, I know you would see A miracle of Love that put me In it's sweet embrace
And made me what I am today Just an old sinner Saved by grace

I'm just a sinner Saved by grace When I stood condemned to death He took my place
Now I live and breathe in freedom With each breath of life I take
Loved and forgivin Backed with a living I'm just a sinner Saved by grace

How could I boast on anything I've ever seen or done How could I dare to claim as mine The victories God has won Where would I be Had God not brought me Gently to this place
I'm here to say I'm nothing but A sinner saved by grace


I'm here to say I'm nothing but a sinner saved by grave!

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