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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It's a New Year! How do you feel?

      The beauty of snow always thrills my heart. "I will wash you as white as snow," our God says.

Oswald Chambers said: "My determination is to be my utmost for His highest . . . Keep yourself before God for this one thing only--my utmost for His highest."

As we begin this new year, I'm sharing parts of a post I wrote in January 2010. It gives me something to think about. I still feel the same way. How do you feel?

I spoke with an elderly woman on New Year’s Day, and the thing I remember most about our conversation is her comment that “I have nothing to look forward too in 2010 except good health.” When she said it my initial thought was “that’s sad.” Since then, I’ve been pondering that comment. Will I feel like that when I’m in my 80s? I don’t think so.

"We have to decide," Chambers says. "Surrender your will to Him absolutely and irrevocably . . . Keep your life so constant in its contact with God that His surprising power may break out on the right hand and on the left. Live in a constant state of expectancy."

"I know one thing I will still be able to do: pray! (if I have my mind.) What a glorious thing! There is nothing more important than talking to God. Interceding for others and their concerns is a BIG thing.

I will be at the portals of heaven very soon. I long for that moment now, so I’ll be very happy my day of leaving earth for life with the Father will be close.

I will have memories, if I have my mind. Remembering those things in the past that brought joy and happiness will capture the moments in my days. Yes, sad memories will be there too, but I have a feeling they won’t be as important as I grow close to heaven’s doors.

Although some friends will have passed away, I’m sure there will be a handful I can still communicate with. There will be a large circle of friends that I have made on my journey through life and we will encourage each us. Their love helped me all through the years and it won’t stop when I am older.

These thoughts are my hope if I reach the age of 80. Of course, my greatest hope is in Jesus. God has given us the greatest gift of all to see us through our time on earth. And He will be waiting for us when we go home.

I've chosen "The One Year Book of Encouragement" as my devotion book this year. I live in a new home, a new town, a new church and hopefully I will find new friends. I need all the encouragement I can get!

                   "I want to scale the utmost height, and catch a gleam of glory bright;
                  But still I'll pray, till heaven I've found, Lord, lead me on to higher ground!"
                                                                                            Johnson Oatman, Jr. and Charles H. Gabriel

I have a lot to look forward too. The choice is before you. You just have to take it! I hope you have something to look forward too!

"I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and Him alone."

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