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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Do You Need a "Note" Friend?

This art from Kerry Boone has always been a favorite of mine. It's how I feel about sending notes, and receiving notes in my mail box. It's a joy to open the mail box and find a note inside! I got this from a Lang calendar that I bought, and I think Lang also put it on one of their note cards.

It hasn't been my practice to choose a word or verse as mine for a year, but something Paul said in the first chapter of Romans caught my eye and held new meaning for me.

"I long to see you . . . so that you and I can be mutually encouraged by each other's faith."

I recently started reading Romans during my devotion time, and Paul's words stopped me fast!

"I often think that there is nothing so bad as parting with one's friends. One seems so forlorn without them." Jane Austen

Isn't that just how I feel? I left most of my friend's (all actually) back in Maryland, and how I long to see them again. To enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner while we're sitting together chatting about this and that, sharing our lives.

Some of my friends touch base via email once a week, and I love my daily exchanges with my sister, and a very dear friend. A few friends call. A few write notes. And all during those contacts we are encouraging each us, inspiring each other, soothing wounds for each other. I don't want to lose that.

In my new writing room I decided to put up two posters I used when I was speaking about note writing. I wanted to be reminded daily of the service God gave me to encourage others, and remember the joy I have in doing it.

Notes change lives. I have heard and read countless experiences where a note had an everlasting impact for the recipient. That's what happened to me.

Some of my note writing friends have corresponded for years. What a sacred trust and care I have for these ladies. And I'm hoping a few more of my friends will pick up the pen and discover the joy of writing a note and receiving one.

History tells of many relationships that were carried on through the writing of notes and letters. Many famous people were fervent letter writers: Ernest Hemingway, Stonewall Jackson, Ronald Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, E. B. White, John Keats, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

I've purchased books by these women that help you write notes: Florence Isaacs, Angela Ensminger and Daria Price Bowman. And, I also have my own book that I wrote to help you get started. Although out-of-print, I still have copies if you want to be a serious note writer for God, or know someone who is interested in note writing.

I know writing notes is not every ones forte, but there are some of you who enjoy writing and receiving notes. I'm wondering if there is someone who wants to be a "note" friend? Writing notes through the year to stay in touch while we share kindred hearts.

If you would like to be a "note" friend, please email me at giving me your name, address and a few words to make a connection. Or, there may be someone you know that you should be a note writing friend too.

I'm so glad I read that verse in Romans! I share Paul's love in keeping in touch with those who are far away. Encouragement feeds the heart and opens inspiring thoughts and dreams inside. Do you want to be a "Note" friend?

"Fill my notes with the breathings of my heart . . . and 'to begin, begin.'" Williams Wordsworth, Poet Laureate

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