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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Decked Out!

My friend, Kathy, is decked out! A master gardener in my eyes, her deck is loaded with color and blooms, pots, decorations and more!

I had the pleasure of visiting her last week, driving through the country on a beautiful summer day. We sat out on her deck and enjoyed the breeze before it got too hot. She even put out meal worms for her blue bird friends so I could enjoy them too! You can barely see him to the right of the tree truck on the little red dish!

Kathy is one of my friend's who helped me plan my garden. She's had some lovely gardens through the years, which I've shared with you, and has recently moved her blooms to the deck for easier care. How do you like that elephant ear!

Thank you, Kathy, for a lovely day!

Last Thursday I was all prepared to work in the gardens, actually looking forward to it. But the hot, humid weather, at 6 in the morning, detoured me. So I wondered, "What can I do today?" And it became Christmas in July!

My friend, Carol, recently sent me ribbon for my Christmas bow making. And I also used my Let it Snow ribbon. I had a good time creating some bows that morning. Thank you, Carol, for thinking of me!

And I finished reading Bryson City Tales by Walt Larimore, MD, last week. My friend, Linda (Penny), had recommended it on Facebook so I thought I'd pick it up and see what it was about. The sub title is "Stories of a doctor's first year of practice in the Smoky Mountains."

It is a very interesting story about a medical students passage to a family physician. I laughed and sometimes couldn't believe what I was reading it was so strange. I'm now on the sequel and enjoying it just as much. Life with a small town, country doctor. Good read!

While driving in town the other week I spotted this beautiful garden of wildflowers! I love wildflowers! A man was in the yard. I stopped and asked if I could take a picture. He said his wife would be so pleased!

I was driving past Wilson's farm in the heat of the day and found his cows refreshing themselves in the creek. That there are some pretty smart cows!

The summer heat is definitely here. I've never been a big fan of summer, July and August. But since retiring and creating my own gardens, I've learned summer is a beautiful time of blooming plants and flowers. And, of course, it's fawn season. Just as lovely as the colors of fall, the snow of winter and the new life in spring!

I hope you're enjoying summer and the beauty all around. "Each moment of the year has its own beauty . . . a picture which was never seen before and which shall never be seen again." Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

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