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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Country Roads

Country Roads. I love them! I always take a country road to my destination if available. You never know what you're going to find and the landscape is refreshing.

The following little poem I found certainly describes me!

                I love it when I get a tender moment like this. Little one staying close to Mom.

A Little Road by Patricia Nichols, Fayette, Alabama

"Some people like the freeways Where they can travel fast;
I'll take the country byways Edged with flowers and grass.

"I'm not so fond of roads Built by engineering skill;
Give me the little gravel road That winds around a hill.

                          Mom enjoying some of the greenery with the little one beside her.

"I like the roads where I can see Trees towering toward the sky
Some cattle resting in the shade, A rippling stream nearby.
I like to look across the fields That wave with hay or grain;
I like to see the gardens green And fresh from summer rain.

                The sun was beginning to brighten the day when I passed this lane and enjoyed it.

"I'm tired of traveling concrete roads Although they're smooth and wise;
I'll take a narrow country road With trees along each side."  

I was watching two doe and three fawn when I turned and looked at the other side of the road and saw this little one and Mom. The little one crossed the street in front of me and Mom followed slowly behind. Then around the corner they went and into the woods.

I enjoyed watching them for 10 minutes. Mom's eating and the fawn are looking around.I love the quiet, secluded neighborhood which affords me so many good fawn snaps. I never fail to find deer to photograph. 

And on the country roads is where I find so many interesting and enjoyable pictures! The quiet, secluded neighborhood where I get so many of my deer snaps is a treasure for me. You never know what's going to be around the corner when you're driving country roads.

                 This little one has doubled in weight and more! He was curious about something.

I fondly remember the words of John Denver's hit song "Take Me Home, Country Roads": "Country roads, take me home, to the place, where I belong, West Virginia, Mountain Momma, take me home, country roads." Sandy and I use to sing this every time we went to West Virginia to visit family.

                What a wonderful Saturday morning! My heart was full when I drove back home.

Country roads are, indeed, delightful, inspiring and fun to drive! Don't forget your camera. There's sure to be a snap waiting for you.

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