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Monday, September 21, 2015

My Camera's Ready!

This sign was shared on Facebook from John Hard's page. Being the ultimate introvert, I love it. I laughed so hard I cried! He also shared 10 views of being an introvert that were very well said. If you're an introvert, I hope you get a big laugh too!

Yes, my reward has come! After a year of cancer treatments, and knee replacement surgery and recovery, me, myself and I leave tomorrow morning for three nights in Lancaster! I'm so excited!

It will be a back roads and photography trip. I haven't been able to do very much photography this year, so I'm looking forward to driving around and getting some nice snaps.

I'll be driving the southern route to enter Lancaster County, which I've never done before. I'll be stopping at Conowingo Dam on the way to see if any eagles are there. Then I will meander through the country side, stopping at a few covered bridges and farm sites. I'll enter the Lancaster area through Strasburg.

I have two new books, maps and directions, and I'm praying for some clouds in a blue sky. My lodging is a lovely Carriage House just south of Intercourse.

Jerry will be loving my girls for me. He went away a few weeks ago to his favorite spot, for a much needed rest, after taking care of me all year. Mom's is going to visit her friend while I'm away.

I'm walking fairly well now, most of the time without a cane, be it slow and steady, although my other knee is now bringing me pain.

 I hope to have some nice snaps to share with you upon my return. All this from the ultimate introvert!

PS  Jerry made me promise I wouldn't bring any puppies home. We got Abby and Jo in Bird In Hand!

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