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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Filled Up

Do they look familiar? I'm certain they're the same doe and fawn I snapped the first Saturday in June. The fawn was the smallest I'd ever seen. It's still small. This pair was in the same back yard, same location. I started driving last week which made it possible for me to go out Saturday morning for my last fawn spotting trip. Doe and fawn were everywhere! It was overcast, a little cooler and perfect weather for taking pictures. This time I did get the little one nursing!

I was surprised. It dawned on me that during my cancer treatments and recovery I couldn't read. And during this season of recovery and healing since my knee surgery I haven't been able to read either.

I can't really put my finger on the reason I haven't been able to read. Not a novel. Not the Bible. Nothing.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God." Romans 8:26-27

I thought it strange that it's happened during both times of trial. I can't pray much either, and it was that way during the cancer treatments too. Yet, I've felt no guilt in not picking up my Bible. You see, I was full to overflowing in God's Word.

During my days of sunshine and calm, I'd fill myself with His Word. When uncertainty and fear showed up, as well as being sick, all I had hidden in my heart embraced me and carried me along.

My friend, Carol, reminded me about the Bible verse above when I shared this with her. So true.

                                            A relaxing time in the cool of the morning!

So my advice to you, as you travel your own life with peaks and valleys, is to immerse yourself in God's Word when everything is going well, and He can fill you up for those times you're unable to call out to Him. How comforting and caring!

And if you're surrounded by a body of believers to walk through life with, they will be His Hands and Voice to fill you with His care.

I'm just beginning to read again as my recovery and healing continues. I'm so thankful God's inside of me!

Fill Me, Holy Spirit, Fill Me

 Lewis S. Chafer (1871-1952)

Thou art calling me, Lord Jesus, As Thy living witness here;
Only by Thy life within me Can I any witness bear.

Fill me, Holy Spirit, fill me, All Thy filling I would know;
I am smallest of Thy vessels,Yet I much can overflow.

Thou art calling me, Lord Jesus, To be working one with Thee;
Only by Thy life within me Can there any service be.
Thou art calling me, Lord Jesus, To prevailing power in prayer;
Only by Thy life within me Can I intercession share.
Thou art calling me, Lord Jesus, To a victor’s holy life:
Only by Thy life within me Is there conquest in the strife.

"I am the vase of God, He fills me to the brim,
He is the ocean deep, contained I am in Him."   Angelus Silesius, 1624-1677

I leave you with this parting shot . . . a relaxing retreat into the woods.


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