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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Walking Again

"Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it." Kierkegaard
This morning, for the first time since surgery, I walked out back in the cool of the morning. It was a wonderful feeling! And it didn't take long for my camera to find my new hibiscus bush and smile at the blooms. It has made remarkable growth since May and will be a bright spot in the 4th garden on the north side of the house.


During this recouperation time that walking has been slow and difficult I've picked up Richard Paul Evans' "Walk" series to read again. It's kind of encouraging me to not give up.

He reminded me that "any place is within walking distance if you have the time." I got encouraging words from my therapist yesterday morning that I was on track and doing well. Of course, that doesn't make the exercises any easier.

I like what Kierkegaard said. Sometimes we do have to walk away from things for both good and bad reasons. But we can always walk towards good things, the right path, pleasant scenes, doing the right thing.

God sets us free to an abundant life lovingly prepared by Him. My friend, Karla Dornacher's print of a bird set free from it's cage sits near my computer screen and always makes me smile.

So thank God this morning that you are able to walk, and if you're walking takes place with the help of a wheelchair or walker, be thankful there is help each step of the way.

May each step you take shine for Jesus!


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