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Friday, August 14, 2015

I Shed a Few Tears

                            Enjoyed seeing this colorful row of containers earlier this season!

The doctor said, "How are things going?" I said, "Hard. Very Hard." He said, "It's a hard surgery."

The last two weeks have been very difficult. I don't think either Jerry or I realized how hard they would be. It isn't just the exercises. I couldn't get up by myself the first week which was an added burden for Jerry and his back.

The surgery went well and the doctor is pleased. We saw him yesterday for the two week follow up and he said everything was going as needed to. He told me not to rush from the walker to the cane. To continue using it for two more weeks. The Home Care therapist started me on the cane Monday. So I'll back away from the cane taking it a little slower. I apparently have reached the early goals with Home Care. Out patient therapy starts next week.

I've certainly had some depression along the way, and a few tears. I don't think I've ever experienced anything as hard. The doctor's going to let me go three days a week for therapy. I think that's a good decision. I do have a major goal. I'm going away the 22nd-25th of September, and I need to be able to walk fairly well by then. That' five weeks away.

The girls have helped by loving and caring for me. Jerry has helped with watering my containers and hanging baskets, and putting fresh water in the bird baths. The pain pills aren't helping as much as I'd like them too, but I'm getting by.

The morning of surgery, when I finally got to my room, my friend, Faye, knocked softly on the door and came in with a big smile. She had been through knee replacement surgery before and knew exactly what I'm going through.

She carried a box of gifts. Have you ever been part of contributing to"a gift each day to encourage you?" I have a few times, and it's a nice thing to do. I've enjoyed opening a new little gift each day to help me along. Simple things like chap stick the first day. Tylenol, Kleenex, hand gel, etc. There was also a lovely CD of favorite hymns and quotes by Oswald Chambers. Thank you, Faye!

Friends have also brought meals, came to visit and sent cards. I'm thankful for the many expressions of kindness to help me along my way.

Last week I was pleased to see "our" first fawn for 2015. It was walking up to the back gate with it's Mom. I've seen it another time since then. We don't get them as much as we did several years ago, but it's nice to know I have a new one to see occasionally.

Please continue to pray for me as I undergo therapy. I know it's still going to be difficult for a while, but the results will be worth it.

I was planning to have the other knee done in November if all went well with this one. That will certainly NOT happen. I think I've been through enough this year.

Cheer me on now as I strive to improve enough to go away in September!

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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...