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Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I picked up a new devotion book recently: "Devotions From the Garden," by Miriam Drennan. I've been enjoying the readings each day. I'd like to share a portion of one of the readings with you:


"Ladybirds, ladybeetles, ladybugs--they go by a few different names, these bright, beautiful, quiet little bugs that are among some of your garden's greatest defenders and protectors.

"Think about some of the ladybugs (or gentleman bugs) [my addition] you may know . . . They are women (or men) who quietly protect and provide for their families, friends, church and community. They may not be loud or very vocal, but they busily act in the best interest of the people they care about. These good-hearted, industrial ladybugs (gentlemen bugs) do not wait for someone to tell them what to do or what to think. They consult God and act in accordance with the Holy Spirit's leading. With very little fanfare, and never drawing attention to themselves, they accomplish much in God's garden.

Now because these ladybugs (gentleman bugs) quietly go about their tasks, some of us may overlook these women (men). . . But when we dismiss the ladybugs (gentleman bugs) in our life, we miss out on some beautiful friendships.

". . . think about a lovely ladybug (gentlemen bug) in your life who seems to persevere in the work she is committed to doing. We need these busy ladybugs (gentlemen bugs) protecting us and providing for us. We need to learn from them and follow their example for the good of our family, friends, church, and community."

Who do you know who is a ladybug/gentleman bug? Next time you past them, a smile, hug or comment will make their day! Maybe you're one! Praise God for His care over you.


"The ladybug's a beetle.  It's shaped like a pea.
Its color is a bright red  With lots of spots to see.
Although the name is ladybug  Some ladybugs are men.
So why don't we say "gentleman bug"  Every now and then?"
~Author Unknown

"This lucky little ladybug  has landed here to stay
To make my garden pretty  and keep the weeds away
~Author Unknown

The Ladybug Poem

"Although you are known the world around, you're firmly anchored with feet on the ground-
a noble bug is how they refer to you, yet you don't pretend to be anything more than a ladybug through and through-  a most colorful character well regarded in folklore, whilst other with loftier aspiration may never receive such admiration... indeed, could you ask for more?
no, you don't put on airs as you climb a flower so fair nor for the opinion of others do you even don't stop to think about those that are bigger, faster, or mightier than you-you just continue to climb up that wall and many marvel and say "she is so small..."
but the little ladybug pays no mind-she just does it anyway... a humble little creature of this earth so satisfied with his turf, a divine inspiration "to thine own self be true," oh little bug, how we could all learn from you!"
-Marie Lawrence

I found this fawn Saturday morning and was able to get a snap off!


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