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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Heart Loyalty and Motorcycles

                                My first bloom on the new hibiscus bush! Lovely indeed!
Job possessed heart loyalty. Those were the words I read in a Bible study lesson written by James T. Draper. Those words certainly aren't a new idea, but one that needs to be revisited during a crucial and needy time in America.
I like that. Heart loyalty.
The question is: "What are you loyal too?" No matter what answer you give, your number one loyalty should be to God. Always has been and always will be.
Are you devoted to God? Live for God? Would you die for God? As our country and world continues its vigorous spiral downfall, who are you loyal too?
My heart breaks as I see our country continue to abandon and overrule God. For as smart a nation as we are, it appears we haven't learned from history. A nation once great slowly collapses. And it's going faster all the time.
Being loyal to God isn't a hard thing. It's truly a heart issue. You either stand for Christ or you don't. Once you've made your decision, loyalty is easy.
I've lost a lot in my life because of my stand for Christ, and it hurts. Yet I stand for what I believe and have no regrets of that choice.
Once your heart is settled, no matter what happens in this life, you stand behind the living God where all things are possible--even the impossible.
" . . . I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Ephesians 4:1
The call in this day and age is: "Who are you loyal too?" Job possessed heart loyalty. I've made my choice. What about you? 
As promised . . .

I took my first motorcycle ride in 40 years! All because of an innocent comment Jerry said to a friend. We have at least two men at church who ride motorcycles and Jerry was having a conversation with them. He innocently said, "You should ask Carol if she'd like a motorcycle ride"?

Guenther Drowsky, better know as Ender, came over and asked me if I'd like to ride. First I was shocked Jerry would even say that. But over the course of the next few weeks it was definitely on my mine. When I told Ender I was having knee replacement surgery on the 28th, he said "let's do it now!"

We scheduled it for the next Thursday morning at 10, which turned out to be a beautiful day with temps in the high 50s early that morning. Yes folks, this is the middle of July.

I remember the motorcycle ride I took in my 20s. We went down the Florida Keys, the Blue Ridge Parkway, up into Pennsylvania, and to Sugarloaf Mountain. Dick, Nolan and Gil let this city girl have the thrill of a motorcycle ride.

Ender took me on back country roads, never going above 40. The sun shone, the sky was lovely and the ride was fun. I almost felt like I was 26 again. I burst out laughing twice for the sheer joy of it!

It was a thrill, but once is enough. I don't think me and my body could do this on a regular basis. Thank you, Ender, for taking this older woman on a ride from yesteryear!


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