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Thursday, June 4, 2015

What's on Your Card?

Enjoying lovely peonies from my garden. Light, fluffy and beautiful!
Thank you Ernest Mosely . . .
My first business card came from my early working years with the local telephone company. Next was the Baptist Convention.  Everyone had one at the convention and mine told all that was necessary for someone to know.

Then when I began speaking at some of the convention events, I created my own card. It had my signature blue bird on it

About the time of my retirement 3 1/2 years ago, I created a business card to use when my book was published. It gave all the pertinent information and directed others to my email or blog if they wanted to get in touch with me. It certainly was sufficient for its purposes.

But last Sunday morning during the message my pastor told about a man he knows who created a business card when he retired. He tore up all his previous business cards. He was a well known man who served in many capacities of Christian service. His new card caught my eye (my design).

Pastor's message was on being a servant and humble person. His friend's card told it all. Really, as a Christian, is there anything else that needs to be known other than you're a friend of Jesus?

I think it's time for me to created a new business card. A card that says everything I need it to. And it will be the best business card I ever created.


And what a friend He is!

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