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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Crack! Flash! Boom!

          Saw this light post early Saturday morning and thought it lovely surrounded by the flowers!

"Even the winds and the waves obey Him!"  Matthew 8:27b

The heavens were in their glory last Saturday evening! My what a storm!

"If you have never heard the mountains singing, or seen the trees of the field clapping their hands, do not think because of that they don't. Ask God to open your ears so you may hear it and your eyes so you may see it, they do, my friend, they do." McCandlish Phillips

I grew up in Rockville and the thunder and lightening storms there were strong and long! I'd sit in the hallway with my fingers in my ears. I'm not sure why I was afraid of the quick lightening flashes and loud thunder but I was. I've carried that fear all through my life.

It wasn't until I married Jerry and moved to Mt. Airy that things changed. Our lightening and thunder storms were no where near the power they were in Rockville. I was certainly happy about that, but I still put my fingers in my ears.

One day Jerry said, "Why don't you wear one of my ear protectors that I use when I'm shooting?" So I gave it a try and sure enough it did the trick. My fear decreased. I could sit calmly through a storm and almost enjoy it.

I often wonder why I couldn't think to use ear protectors all those years. Isn't that the way it is. You do something for years and all of a sudden you think of a remedy or someone mentions a way to help to make it easier.

 I have a pair in my car so if a storm comes up while I'm driving I can put it on. I have used them several times. It sure helped me to arrive at my destination safe and fairly calm.

I don't think I'll ever be like Jerry who has a CD of thunderstorms to go to sleep by. But I'm thankful those cracks! flashes! and booms! don't scare me anymore!

But . . .

Abby, who is scared of tractors and vacuum cleaners, slept like a baby through the storm. Jo, who is adventurous and not afraid of anything, sat on my lap shaking! All 90 pounds of her!

"I like to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speaks to us every hour if we will only tune in."  George Washington Carver (c. 1864-1943)

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